Canopy Creek (Autumn)


SKU: canopycreekautumn2 Category: Tags: , , ,


I changed the leaf textures from “Canopy Creek (Summer)” and replaced the leafy underbrush with golden grass. I wanted to make sure to keep some green leaves visible here and there to note that the transition to fall was not yet complete.

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68 reviews for Canopy Creek (Autumn)

  1. Phineas [basicmember]

    Looks like Ents dancing.

  2. Doug

    I love your autumn scenes!

  3. Robin

    This is wonderful. Everytime its on my screen, people stop and ask me where I shot the photo and are so surprised to find out it was generated. I always tell ’em where I got it and how wonderful all the rest of your stuff is…Thank you for making being trapped at a desk a better experience.

  4. Rupietupe

    This is my favorite of the Canopy Creeks. I love the colors and the atmosphere this one brings. A beautiful rendition in my favorite season; thanks Ryan!

  5. Rob

    Very nice. I only wish it came in 3840×1200 with split files (I have 2 machines I run at 1920×1200 side by side).

  6. Mike

    This is gorgeous! I love the light filtering through the trees 🙂

  7. Brent

    I loved the original canopy creek but this autumn sceen is just spectacular. Great work!

  8. Tiberius

    A really neat Autumn picture! Just the right blend of color and light. Almost as good as ” October Flame “. It totally changes the nature of the picture from the regular version. If your main Autumn project is better than this I can wait!

  9. miguell026

    really nice…

    it’s a peaceful calm autumn afternoon forest scenario..

    great work Ryan!

  10. Michelle

    After all the rain we’ve had here, this makes me remember what Autumn is suppose to look like! Thanks!

  11. Andrew

    Very nice work. Love the warm feel of it. This subscription is worth every cent!

  12. Thai Nguye

    Breath taking, beautiful and taking me back to memory lane from high school. Thank you, Ryan. This is why I keep subscribing to DB.

  13. Mangoman

    Beautiful. It’d be great just lying down in a small boat, looking up at the trees as you’re drifting downstream with the gentle current. Very nice, Ryan. Thank you. Mmn.

  14. Bill&Meg

    We like it!

  15. Ciderhelm

    I’ve loved your work since I was introduced to it about two years ago. Of all of your work, nothing has captured my imagination the way this particular piece has. Every detail in the terrain and treeline is an important one; even the break in the treeline in the back leads me to wonder what is beyond.

    Thanks for doing what you do. It may not always seem like it, but putting in the work you do and sharing your imagination with us is appreciated. I hope you’re earning enough to support yourself and to support continued time in this project.

  16. Chris B

    or the headless horseman riding his horse through the stream carrying his pumpkin head w/ flaming eyes…. or you know you’re the artist 😉

  17. Tril

    Your best autumn pic ever, I think.

  18. CompguyG

    Something like “Forest of the Shades – Halloween 2006” with the red eye peering out…

  19. JK

    IT seems to me this would be a good starting point for a quick and dirty Halloween version of this? Make it night, add some ghouls and whatnot…

  20. Ruth

    Gorgeous! I cannot wait for the winter and spring versions! The summer one has always been one of my favs, but this is competing pretty hard for the spot. Thanks so much for blessing us with your considerable talent! 🙂

  21. David W

    absolutly beautiful. goes perfect with the current season. it puts me in an autumn mood whenever I look at it to!

  22. Ryan

    I’ve posted a new dual-screen file. The original was corrupted due to some problems I’ve been having with my internet connect recently.

  23. Edwin

    I see some others are talking about corruption issues. The 3200×1200 dualscreen image is suffering from similar problems.

  24. Walo

    This is one of my all time favorites now. Really relaxing to watch this version. I’ll be looking forward for the winter version if it comes to happen.

  25. dmgov

    Captures the mood very nicely.

    good work!

  26. alecia

    The endless sandy scenery here is completely void of trees to which one can enjoy the beauty of Autumn. Thank you for yet another captivating view that has me dreaming of home. I miss the smell of the forest, the lush green grass, and the sound of the trees gently blowing in the wind.

  27. Chris B

    awesome picture, but the multi screen version is a lot better than the 1080 version. You can see a lot more of the color variations.

  28. Guido

    The link to the png file is dead. Please fix that 🙂

  29. NikB

    I would love to see a Spring version too. While Autumn is my favourite season, down here in Australia we’re now into our Spring.

  30. Lynxie

    I think this is among my top 5

  31. Mandy

    I was anxiously awaiting a fall scene. This is great!!! Thank you!

  32. Chris

    Awesome pic. Love your nature scenes, especially when the seasons change. They’re always very befitting of my moods. This one in particular is phenomenal. Can’t wait to see the one that’s rendering =)

  33. John

    I think that adding new additions of wallpapers is a great way to fill in the gaps between the new ones! On another note, I totally like the idea of winter and spring versions of this. I actually can’t imagine how you could make a spring version more “springy” then the original Canopy Creek, but it would be interesting to see how you would change it.

  34. Justin

    Is a multi-screen version of “Enshrouded” still in the pipeline, or did it continue to fail? That has to be one of my favorites!

  35. Nate F

    oddly enough, just this past week i had been looking through all of your previous images and i looked at canopy creek and thought “an autumn version of this would be great”, and poof there it is.

    a wonderful image i must say, and the idea of winter and spring editions is a very good one. last year i remember you had an image that several fans wanted a seasons version of but you stated that it couldn’t be done because of the way the tree was constructed (not full behind the leaves i think).

    this is definitely going in my top 100 DB images. (that’s why i noticed the original last week, i was busy downsizing the amount of files on my PC).

  36. Nate

    I change my computer themes based on the seasons, and for some reason quality fall wallpaper is hard to find. Except this new one made me happy since my old wallpaper was stale. I’d like a wintery version of this…

  37. Ryan

    I did add some variation to the leaf colors (note the 2 in the filename). It looked a little too busy when I varied it more than it is now though.The multi-screen will have more yellows and greens.I could definitely do winter and spring versions. Sounds like fun!

  38. Littlemom

    Well it just so happens that I love this time of year with all the fall colors on the trees and the comfy cozy feeling of the cold weather setting in and having hot chocolate and the like. When I first saw this wallpaper I was excited because I’m always looking for more autumn wallpapers. I find this one interesting, in the sense that it almost has a dark feeling to it. The colors are beautiful, but then you have the dark side of the picture and it almost gives that walking alone at night in the woods feeling, (maybe that’s just a me thing). This is not bad and I’m glad you were able to render such a great wallpaper. As always Great Job Ryan! Keep up the good work.

  39. Dan

    It’s got a different, relaxed feel for an autumn landscape. Al least from my New England perspective. I like it.

  40. Ryan

    You’re correct that I did not change the light angle. If it’s a different time of year then the angle should be different.I thought it worked so well in the original I didn’t want to monkey with it (other than changing the color).

  41. William

    I find this render much more relaxing than the summer version, which presented such a powerful “green” mood. It is a little weird that the sun beams are at such a high angle, but I’m not bothered by that. The whole atmosphere of the piece is fantastic.

  42. ppisarek

    Awsome looking render, I at first thought it was too orange-ish but it kind of grew on me.

    The only nit I have to pick is the angle of the sun. To get that color light it would need to be late afternoon. Yet the sunbeams (lightsource) are only about 15degrees off vertical.

    It would be awsome to see what a result of lowering the angle to maybe no more than 20-30 degrees above horizontal would do. The lower edges of the trunks and branches would catch the full sun and provide a nice contrast to the dark of the other side?

    Awsome work though Ryan! Been a fan for years. Makes me glad I have opted for that lifetime membership.

  43. bruceam

    I really like this one. It somehow “Feels Right”, especially during this time of the year. Part of this may be that I grew up in a rural part of Northwest Georgia, where my father had a hay field that bordered a slow flowing creek, covered with a canopy of hardwood trees, just like in your image. This creek was at the base of Lookout Mountain, and during the autumn, the colors of both the creek and the mountain were phenomenal. I used to love going there in the Fall. Thanks for the reminder.


    Will you be doing a Winter and a Spring Canopy Creek? I have always liked your “Changing Seasons” sequences of images, and this one would be a great addition to that group.

  44. Greg in KC

    Ryan, that looks great! I can’t wait to see the multi-screen renders!

  45. Vladimir

    I like the rich orange colors in this image. Can’t wait for the dual widescreen version to be done!

  46. Gary

    Sure maybe these could be all the same types of trees… but even the same types of trees do not all change to the same color at the same time… we need some variation in colors… some green, red, orange, yellow, etc.

  47. JeffK

    I really love your autumn scenes but this one is just a little too orange/red. There should still be some green on the trees especially if there are a few evergreens in the mix. Not all trees turn at the same time. Of course Im still going to put this on my desktop because its awesome.

  48. Jenanne

    I second the other two versions of this render. With a current rating of 8.75, it seems many feel you did a great job. Canopy Creek was splendid, this autumn version is splendid, and a set of four would be four times as splendid!

    bruceam said, “Will you be doing a Winter and a Spring Canopy Creek? I have always liked your “Changing Seasons” sequences of images, and this one would be a great addition to that group.”

  49. DT

    Too many reds for me… Any chance you can render the leaves in multi-colour?

    Keep up the great work!

  50. Jason

    Thanks Ryan! I’ve missed your seasonal landscapes you produced a few years ago. I don’t know if you’ll ever do anything like that again, but I like this!

  51. Kevin

    Thanks for this version of Canopy Creek. Living as an expat in Singapore I miss fall.

  52. Travis

    I’m the guy that has been “tough” on Ryan lately, but this piece just absolutely grabbed me. Anyone can look at this piece and immediately recall a moment of peace in their lives. Thats “ART”. At least that’s what it did for me. Great Job Ryan. Love It. Awesome.

  53. Jenanne

    Thank you for fixing them! And I must say this is a lovely image to tide us over — I wasn’t expecting another so soon. Terrific render; it’s going to immediately replace “Red and Gold” as my fall wallpaper.

  54. Patrick

    Your autumn scenes are absolutely my favorite. I love this one and I’m looking forward to the new one and the multi-screen for this one. Keep up the great work!

  55. Michelle

    It’s working fine for me now. I love the fall version of this one a lot!

  56. Ryan

    I’ll just reupload all the files. I’m trying out a new FTP program and I think it’s causing the errors.

  57. Jenanne

    1600×1200 is also messed up — half of the image is blue. I love this render, though.

  58. ChopBam

    Most of the 1440 x 900 version is messed up. Scene looks amazing though.

  59. Ryan

    A little typo caused the file errors. Everything should be loading properly now.

  60. SMHarris

    By the way, I got the errors too, reloaded the screen and the links were fine.

  61. SMHarris

    Very nice!

  62. kellzilla

    The resolutions are listing properly now, moments later! lol

  63. kellzilla

    Something’s wrong with the new images page – errors listed for the resolutions. Resolutions list fine in the comments page. Links work fine.

  64. Ryan

    No, it didn’t crash. Just wanted to post this for you guys to check out I work on the new project some more.

  65. JD

    Did your rendor crash? Shame if it did because it looks amazing!

  66. Wraith

    😀 <3 autumn renders

  67. Eric

    it looks like the larger dual screen version has some rendering errors on the bottom. just a heads up.

  68. JK

    Would take several minutes tops.

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