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This popular image rose out of me pondering the book of Genesis. According to the Bible (or at least the translation I read), all was water before creation took place. Look it up.

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= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

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22 reviews for Creation

  1. HHeaTT [lifer]

    Been a fan since ’98 because of this piece, i cant remember how many years this was my wallpaper back in the day.

  2. Ed [lifer]

    One of my favourites too and also what drew me to DB. Love the quality of the new stuff, still love the thoughts/ideas that went into some of the older ones like this

  3. Jon [lifer]

    This has been one of my favorite – even compared to “today’s” standards – this one still stands out. It was one of the images that drew me to DB and even though the image is 17 years old (doesn’t seem possible) it is a gem. Look at the comments Ryan – the people want it! 🙂

  4. David

    Bump…This one is one of my favorites. I would love to see your take on something like this now!

  5. Lawdog44

    Most of your human-like figures look a little stiff, even now, but this was perfect. I saw the Genesis note, but I thought this piece transcended religion. What has disappointed me is that you did not follow up on it. I have waited for years. Do I have to accept that you have moved on?

  6. TieDyeGuy

    Only been a member for a few years, but a fan for several. I agree with the consensus here. I only have the wide screen and triple monitor art downloaded. Now I see that I have been missing out by not checking into some of the older ones that do not fit my screens exactly. I need to remedy that. This one in particular is exactly the kind of image that drew me to BD in the first place. It is reminiscent of the art in Omni magazine that I loved so much when I was growing up.

  7. Zenith

    Great Image. Can we please have a wide screen and Iphone version. An updated render would be most welcome.

  8. Tekrican

    As it is The Resurrection… What better time to update and turn out a multiscreen version? As well as a wonderful opportunity to see what your newer technologies can do with your older, original renders? 🙂

  9. Jon

    However old, and even “dated,” this still is one of my favorites. Maybe it is the simplicity of it, maybe it is the color scheme, but I always seem to come back to this image. This is great work Ryan. I hope someday to see an updated image to this. I’d be curious to see what you can do with all the new updated software.

  10. Thunderbol

    also should be remade for widescreen along with fuego. these two belong to the db icons.

  11. Thunderbol

    also needs to be redone for widescreen

  12. Ed

    Like a previous comment, this image is the reason I became a member of DB. Excellent work

  13. Ryan

    It’s been a while but I recall that I had to rework some elements when I re-rendered at 1600 x 1200. I didn’t know people were still interested in using these older walls. Perhaps I could do an update…

  14. Richard H.

    I’ve had the 1152×864 version of this picture for many years, and have just downloaded the 1600×1200 one, to get the best available resolution. And what do I find? The higher-resolution version is *different*!

    Yes, the 1600×1200 version has extra sparks coming from the figure’s hands: green and blue ones as well as (different) white ones. Additionally, the lens flare effects near the world on the horizon are absent.

    Why should this be? I expect all different sizes of an image to be the same in terms of content. I like both versions, so I’ve now got the image (to keep) at two sizes, but having these differences is odd.

    Anyway, this has long been one of my favourite images here. It’d be really nice if it could be re-rendered for today’s larger screens.

  15. Bells

    I became a member of digital blasphemy just to track down this picture! I had it years ago and lost it along computer changes!! Really glad I found it!!

  16. M Evans

    This image is the reason why I (and many of my college friends) became member of DB. I agree with the previous post, If you decide to go back and my multi monitor versions of some of the best from over the years this image should be at the top of the list. Still one of my all time favorites!!!

  17. Steve

    I just entered my second year renewal. On discovering your site a year ago, I immediately made this my wallpaper. When I think I want something new, I occasionally pick another of your images, but invariably go back to Creation. This image alone was worth the price of admission. Thanks

  18. JD

    I appreciate Ryans work and to give him credit for it.However,his output is NOWHERE where it should be.I’ve seen months pass with 1 new wallpaper or an update to an older one.Insult to injury are pictures of his latest vacation to exotic locales! I’m glad he can afford this,but it is his subscription base that make these frequent vacations possible.The bang for the buck on DB is not what it was! CAPICHE ?JD

  19. Neil

    Hi Ryan

    This is one of my favourite images of your collection. Could you do a wide screen version of this please!

    Thanks mate


  20. Terry

    This was the first site I ever saw on your site when a friend told me about you at college, hard to believe that was almost 7 years ago!!

  21. Mark

    This was the first wallpaper from Digital Blasphemy that I ever used. It’s still great all these years later!

  22. Sueanne

    Another original favorite. I have so many!

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