
(184 customer reviews)


SKU: portals1 Category: Tags: , ,


A number of folks have mentioned to my that I should update my “Login” wallpaper. This piece is in the same spirit as “Login” but also continues an idea I started in “Portal“. The whole idea was inspired by the old Star Trek episode “All Our Yesterdays” where folks could escape a current disaster by venturing into a planet’s past via different portals.

The images I used here, from left to right, are “Extrasolar” (flipped horizontally), “The Beginning of the End“, “The Fisherman“, “Planitia“, “Tropical Moon of Thetis“, and “Phraxis Moon“.

This is my first render using the release version of Lightwave 11. I had to do a special render for the 2048 x 2048 (and 1024 x 1024) versions so all 6 windows would fit on the screen.

This piece is dedicated to my Dad, who I lost in a fatal accident Jan 29, 2012.
He was a big Star Trek fan and I know he’s out there somewhere.

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184 reviews for Portals

  1. Iain MacMillan

    best wallpaper, and got me hooked on DB. Still my login screen on home desktop and laptop. hopefully you will do another update for 2025?

  2. Lorene [nonmonthly]

    This is now the login screen on my PC. Remember the Star Trek episode the portals were featured in. Am a huge Star Trek fan. Thanks for creating this stunner for all of us fans.

  3. Falkor [lifer]

    This has been a long time favorite of mine and is still my go to when needing an escape.. I love your work and always looking for the next…. Thank you!

  4. Ryan

    It’s called “The Fisherman”.

  5. Daniel [nonmonthly]

    This artwork is beautiful but where can I find the image of just the yellow portal?

  6. Jarrod [basicmember]

    Like many I must say that this is one of/is my favorite. Been following your work since 2005 when a family member introduced me to your site. Always a fan and many shots have been my desktop backgrounds!

    This has the look of Dr. Strange and the 6 Infinity stones! Love it

  7. Jon [plusmember]

    This sort of has a neat graphic novel feel to it.

  8. ThePeePs [lifer]

    This has to be one of my all time favorites, I keep coming back to it as my wallpaper

  9. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    This artistry takes one imagination beyond the point of reality. I recommend we see more similar works with variations on the portals.

  10. Gilley [nonmonthly]

    I have had this specific background on every computer I have worked on since 2012. It is one of my favorites from you Ryan!

  11. Kyle W. [basicmember]

    As my review title suggests, I love this image. It’s my favorite of all your work. I’m a lifelong lover of fantasy novels. I often feel like your shadowed traveler, standing on a pedestal peering into so many different worlds, trying to decide which portal to step through. I’d really like to see more variations of this, with different selections of your other pieces in the six portals.

  12. MIke [nonmonthly]

    There is no widescreen version available

  13. Rob [lifer]

    Very Doctor Strange! Still my favorite.

  14. Holly [basicmember]

    just beautiful.

  15. Holly [basicmember]

    just beautiful.

  16. Dewain [basicmember]

    You don’t have Ultra Wide Screen version of this one. I think that would look really cool.

  17. Matthew [nonmonthly]

    This is my favorite wallpaper. One suggestion to enhance the ‘portal’ theme would be to add a bridge/stairs from the central pedestal to each portal. As is, my brain accepts this as a ‘window/view’ to each world. With the the addition of the bridge/stair component, it would feel like I had a choice of choosing which would I would like to travel to, instead of only viewing from afar.

  18. Kyle [basicmember]

    I’d love to see alternate versions of Portal, showing a different set of other worlds. I know you’ve got one variant, but it’s all windows to the same other world. This is a really cool trick with the thumbnails, but it’s not quite my proverbially cup of tea. The original Portals remains my favorite of your wallpapers. I use it as the background for my novel writing laptop.

  19. Wally [basicmember]

    This is my favorite piece. The colors are simply amazing in this and I love the concept. You do some of the most amazing work I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing you art with all of us.

  20. jona(h) li

    illusions of shifting shapes – art impressions = overwhelming

  21. Anton

    I just wanted to let you know Ryan, that this is one of my favorite pieces that you have done, and it was actually the inspiration for the Pathfinder Campaign that I am running on Roll20 right now called “The World Pillars”. Thank you so much for allowing this wonderful piece of art to be my muse and continue to do what you do, because I know it inspires a lot more people to do a lot more things.

  22. Rob

    I like how this piece brings back memories of the games, Myst, Riven, and Uru. Many choices, only one outcome.

  23. Suribachi

    Life has many crossroads, some treacherous, some well known, and some, like this picture, are are truly breathtaking.

  24. Rob

    I love this piece! I too have to echo the request to see the front figure in focus, but I’m also curious if there is a way to maybe brighten up the background a little, so that the detail of the way the portals hang is a little easier to see. I missed that until I turned my brightness all the way up, and I think a little tweak there would go a long way! Otherwise, 9.9/10.

  25. PeterW

    I’ve loved the ones with a lone figure standing before a celestial vista ever since Overseer. And now here’s a lone figure standing before six vistas at once.

  26. Yavor

    Truly magnificent

  27. Joe

    Great piece Ryan! It’s as if he has “windows” into altered worlds of Digital Blasphemy. How neat would it be if this were a “living” wallpaper that allowed you to interact it with each image… maybe pulling it up for full screen view?

  28. jamie

    This is the Pièce de résistance. Much like my cats when I secretly sprinkle catnip on a random area of a carpet somewhere, Ryan has succeeded in surreptitiously luring me back. With this absolutely brilliant piece of work (and many others since then; I have a lot of catching up to do!) I’m proud to say that I’m now back as a pay member – supporting Ryan, a fantastic artist, in what he repeatedly does so well.

    Congratulations on this work, Ryan 🙂

  29. Steve

    I would love to see something similar to this at some point in the future with updated works. It’s a really beautiful design that showcases pieces of your hard work.

    Thanks Ryan!

  30. Charlie

    Fantasy is not my thing, but I am a sucker for color palettes.

  31. Leanna


  32. Chris K

    It is amazing that you can get such an accurate representation of Portals using just thumbnails from your own work. Awesome!

  33. tibor

    I am in awh!!!!!!!!!!!!



  34. Matt

    Perhaps similar to Dispersion, or with ripples going through the portals. This wallpaper seems perfect for an addition to the animated gallery.

  35. ChrisShort

    I’ve been a member for a very, very long time and this is my favorite Digital Blasphemy wallpaper. I am using it everywhere I can put a wallpaper; iPhone, iPad, MyFordTouch, work laptops, home laptop, and my Facebook cover photo. Great work!

  36. Josh

    Hey Ryan,

    I’ve never commented on these before, but had a few thoughts that’s been bouncing around in my head. Feel free to use, or ignore, but I felt like if I shared them then maybe it’ll stop bugging me 🙂

    First, I really like this a lot. Not only did it remind me of “All our Yesterdays” but also a TNG episode, I think it was “Pen Pals” for some reason. I think this render tells a great story and hope to see more like it in the future.

    As for the suggestions, here goes: What if the camera from a wide(r) lens was shifted to the left, and perhaps a bit higher? Perhaps in the corner of the room, or where there would be a corner if the room isn’t oval shaped? Also, what if the subject in the room was a child.. as if he had stumbled into Dad’s portal chamber and was a bit overwhelmed.. maybe even with a blanket or teddy in tow? I know.. lol.. silly but a thought. Also, maybe on the portals themselves there was a bit of a haze around the edges where the portal image met the frame of the portal?

    I’m likely going to do a larger print of this on canvas some time in the future, but if you have any interest in a version2 like I described, let me know and I’ll definitely want to wait to see how they turn out. And if not, well, thanks for reading! 🙂

  37. Abbyfh

    I love this scene. It is on my Facebook timeline. This scene makes me think of Stephen King’s Dark Tower. The view from the tower that was at the nexus of it all. Love it!!

  38. Ben

    Just love this one. It makes me feel like a member of the Stargate Program… Or a grand creator.. looking out on his worlds. Great stuff.

  39. James

    I would like a “double rainbow” type version for the pickle jar with a second row above/below the first.

  40. Dave

    I too would love to see a pickle jar version without the guy. This one is fantastic! Well worth the paid membership! 🙂

  41. Cynctychik

    Absolutely my favorite Ryan!! Awesome

  42. Chris B

    it would just be awesome if he were in focus 🙂

  43. Doug

    I have to agree with Aaron, a pickle jar version without the person would look perfect, especially for dual-screen, since that tends to split him down the middle.

  44. Aaron

    Very nice wallpaper. A pickle Jar version with out the guy standing there in front would be great.

  45. Randy

    Haven’t commented in a long time. This is great Ryan. Glad you had a nice holiday. DB was mentioned a few weeks ago by Leo Laporte on the TwiT network. He is a lifetime member, but forgot about you for a long time. Gave a nice plug for the site.

    Thanks, as always, for your work.

  46. Eirik

    Absolutely stunning… 2012 is going to be a wonderful year if you can keep this pace up. =)

  47. Xorothian

    Only one word needed to describe this: Impressive

  48. dmackoy

    Nice Job

  49. David M.

    Ryan – I set this as my current desktop background and I love it because of the color contrast of the various portals with the dark background. It’s really sharp!

  50. Brett

    Love this wallpaper, I can see it being my background for a LONG time however I want to second Extstgleft this man in the middle on my dual screens does not look right… (I am considering upgrading to tri-screens due to this tho ;P )

  51. Alex H

    Considering this is essentially a showcase of some of your best work framed in an interesting context, I think it’s so appropriate that this has become your top rated wallpaper.

  52. Ryan

    Remarkable you would say that Steve. Please read my entry for 3/16 on my homepage.

  53. Tom

    One of the best!!!!

  54. Steve

    Reminded me of the Star Trek episode “All our Yesterdays” with Mr. Atoz, the Atavachron and the lovely Zarabeth….

  55. Extstgleft

    Please remember that with dual screen renders, the most important part of the image cannot be left in the middle. The middle is where the actual screens separate and mess it all up. This image on my dual screens actually cut the person in half.

  56. Extstgleft

    Please remember that with dual screen renders, the most important part of the image cannot be left in the middle. The middle is where the actual screens separate and mess it all up. This image on my dual screens actually cut the person in half.

  57. Gregor

    I didn’t even notice the shift of colors at first… but it looks great. I love the idea of creating an image out of images… Still, a little thing to nag about: I think that the background could do with a bit more detail. Nothing that distracts the focus too much, but maybe a clear night sky to indicate that the portals are on the top of a tower… and the columns look a little weird to me. Like isolators plotted onto a smooth surface… I’d love to see them enhanced a little in shape and texture!

  58. Dave

    Unbelievable Ryan! I’ve been coming to this site since 2002, and this has to be my favorite wallpaper! Keep up the great work!

    Any chance that you could include renders for the Galaxy Nexus phones? It would look fantastic on that 1280 x 720 resolution!

  59. Jeff

    Ryan, it looks like the split files for the dual screen are actually the left and centre panes of the triple screen split files (as of 23 March).

  60. darren

    first comment I ever posted,but just had to..fantastic.how about a small video version?where the pictures change randomly?

  61. James

    Before I say anything I want to point out that this is the first wallpaper that I gave 10/10 to. That being said, here are my suggestions. The ripples on the blue portal are too defined. There should be less, or possibly a different opacity. The purple portal has the clouds over the entire picture. Maybe move that overlay to just the border and let the rest be clean. The green portal looks great; however the green doesn’t seem to fit with the vibrancy of the other portals. If it was a more “true” green color (think green crayon), I think it would pop very nicely.

    Best wishes

  62. DaveL

    Yet another home run Ryan !!! Love, love, love it !!!!

  63. Glenn

    Ryan: Truly inspired. Feels like a combination of Stargate Universe and Star Trek.

    And Re: Focus. The character in front of the portals needs to be in focus. If you were to photograph this room, unless you had a very shallow/short focus depth, both he and the wall of portals would all be in focus. You would have been far enough back to capture the shear scale of the room, so the figure should still be sharp. Thoughts? I’ll be looking in the pickle jar! 🙂

  64. Chris

    The only thing better than one of your wallpapers is one that displays 7 at once.

  65. LisaB

    Looks excellent on my dual setup at work 🙂

  66. Kyle

    This is absolutely amazing. I love it!

  67. Graham

    Love it, wouldn’t mind seeing the figure removed and replaced with splaces of water on the ground that reflect the portals.

  68. Jack

    First, I LOVE this image! Except for one thing: The figure seems rather blurred on the 3840×1080 duel image. Is it supposed to be? I loaded up a couple of the others from different resolutions and they seem less blurred.

  69. SethR

    I originally became a member because of the scenes you show in the portal. Now this is my wallpaper. Keep it up

  70. CE

    All my favorites in one image! I think you did this one just for me! (Clearly I’m not the only one who feels that way, lol!) I SO want to be the guy in front of the portals! Beautiful composition, absolutely awesome!

  71. Lawrence

    Ryan, Truly a winner. I love it. Excellent job.

  72. Zach

    Really cool wallpaper, Ryan, but it doesn’t line up very well on the dual-screen 3840×1200. The yellow portal splits in between my two screens. What a cool concept though!

  73. Martin

    “All Our Yesterdays” was indeed a good episode, even though it tried a little too hard to be Spock’s “City on the Edge of Forever.” (It did spawn two good Trek novels, though.) For me, this image more closely evokes the TNG second season episode “Contagion” and the Iconian gateways that allowed instantaneous travel to any planet in the galaxy. God, I’m such a Trekkie… 🙂

  74. Dan

    What a brilliant idea Ryan! What better wallpaper than one that showcases some of you’re best wallpapers! I love it! Absolutely awesome!

  75. Brian

    Great idea!

  76. James

    Love it.

  77. horcruxhp

    I like this one so much I made it my login wallpaper. Thanks.

  78. adam

    this definitely shot to the top of my all time favorite db wallpapers

  79. JT

    I’d just love to see the ripples moving in the reflection pool. And maybe the effects layer in each portal (especially Thetis)…

  80. TTravis

    Great Job. I could write a book about this piece. In my opinion, best piece ever. AWESOME. Looovvveee IT!

  81. TTravis

    Great Job. I could write a book about this piece. In my opinion, best piece ever. AWESOME. Looovvveee IT!

  82. Wazalord

    Heh just realized this image looks really cool from different angles of a labtop screen. I was viewing it at an angle and it darkened it alot so that the pillars are like shadows and the colors off the floor really stand out even more.

  83. Tyler

    Impossible not to love this. It’s like Dispersion on steroids! Brilliant idea and execution. Will go down as one of your finest Mr. Bliss.

  84. Bill

    This is definitely my favorite wallpaper from you. Great job!

  85. David

    I changed my window7 lock/password screen from the default light blue to this image and have the 6 backgrounds on this image rotating as desktop backgrounds once I log on!

    very nice.

  86. Verjigorm

    I love it and immediately made it my background…

    Excellent composotion, keep up your extremly nice work, Ryan.

    Kind regards from Germany!

  87. Klikevil

    That’s fucking awesome a portal to some of the best drawings LOL

  88. Richard

    This reminds me of a book I read called Challenge of the Magi. The opening describes your character walking into a corridor with portals to other worlds which I felt were coloured the colours of the magic that was strongest in them. That was about 25 years ago!!! Thanks for the memories.

  89. Melissa

    This is amazing!!! The colors are beautiful!!!!

    Great Job Ryan!!!!

    Thank u

  90. ducky

    This is so cool! I really love the colors!

  91. Ryan

    Yes I read those a long time ago. I guess it’s all still in there 😉

  92. Bulldog

    Hold on, let me pick myself up off the ground, and then gotta reattach the jaw as well…..

    Absolutely, Astoundingly, Amazing+! (in case ya missed it, that was a triple A+)

    Just yet another image that pushes the boundaries, and proves why you’re the best Ryan!

  93. gumboot

    Exactly. I thought of the mirrors in Mordant’s Need. Donaldson rocks.

  94. Jeff

    This just went on my desktop, replacing the Highland Spring wall paper (one of my all-time favorites you’ve done). Absolutely impressive way to re-visit some of your best works. This is why I pay to subscribe to this site.

  95. Wazalord

    This image is so lush, it is full of story and draws you in like you want to know everything that led the character up to this point. It reminds me of awesome video games such as Might and Magic and the original Dungeon Master artwork. So cool man, totally belongs on the frontpage, a Masterpiece.

  96. Doc

    Could you do a multi-monitor version where the gap between the 3rd and 4th panel (or the 2nd and 3rd and the 4th and 5th) are a bit wider? I get a cut rim on the third on my dual setup.

  97. Coincident

    This one looks quite mind-blowing.

    However, the character is a bit off.

    Any chance for a pickle jar version, without the character in the room?

    I’d love it to look like it’s ME in front of those portals, no some other person.

  98. cmmnoble

    This one is great on every level. Colors. Detail. Dark background makes it good for a desktop and allows the colorful portals to pop out. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

    One question–I’ve been trying to rate it (10/10!) but I can’t seem to figure out how to get my rating to stick. I feel like I must be missing something obvious…. after selecting a rating level from the pulldown menu, is there a second step I’m just not seeing? (Apologies for the stupid question, but I really truly can’t figure it out.)

  99. Ged

    Hey Ryan! Have you ever read the two books in the “Mordant’s Need” series by Stephen Donaldson (The Mirror of her Dreams and A Man Rides Through), which use mirrors as portals to other places in the world, or other worlds. This wonderful image reminded me of those books.

  100. Hoverwolf1

    Love this one

  101. Andrew

    This piece literally left me speechless from it’s sheer beauty (and awesome-ness).

  102. Patrick

    IMHO, possibly the best thing you have ever done. As JT said, I was immediately struck by the colours looking like those in ‘Dispersion’.

    No more to say than that really.

    Keep on pushing the boundaries Ryan.

  103. Ryan

    Here’s a mousepad version sourced from my “square” Retina iPad render… Portals Mousepad by digitalblasphemy

  104. JT

    Like getting Dispersion and all of my other favorite wallpapers at the same time. It can’t possibly get any better than this, can it?

  105. Dreossk

    Could you do one without the man? Or just render that part so we could paste it on the actual wallpaper? The man is weird and looks like a action figure. Otherwise, everything else is great!

  106. Ryan

    I rendered a massive 7680 x 4800 version yesterday and added it to my Zazzle gallery as a poster… Portals by Ryan BlissThe images I used in a portals themselves are extremely high resolution themselves so they will look great printed large.Enjoy!

  107. Ryan

    Idk, I added the blur near the end of the process to give the scene a bit of depth. I didn’t want the individual in the front to be “in the same plane”. Perhaps I will post an “all-in-focus” version in the Pickle Jar.

  108. tekrican

    Agreed… I was so engaged in the individual images (each amongst my favorites), and the color spectrum effect, and the concept as a whole… I really did not notice it at first. Now that I have, it detracts. Still awesome… However let’s go for awesomer!! 😀

  109. Chris Shor

    This might be my all time favorite.

  110. Lidia

    I also agree that this image would look even better if the guy in front was more in focus.

  111. Jon

    I agree, I think having the figure in front more in focus would make it look even more bad ass than it is.

  112. Riju

    I do have one comment though, I really wish the man in the front was in focus! Is it possible to render this with increased simulated depth-of-field?

  113. Riju

    Ryan, after many months, I come across this image that I must surely say must be among your best of all time. Absolutely stunning.

  114. John

    Absolutely the best image so far. And thank you for making it available through Zazzle.com. I’m definitely ordering this for my office! Your work always amazes me and my colleagues, it’s always raising the bar.

  115. Ixias

    Yay! Poster ordered.

  116. Eric

    *** Major amounts of Applause ***

  117. Michael

    Reminds me very much of a wallpaper I made myself a few years ago, a spectrum of wallpapers, mostly DB: http://www.peak15.org/misc/spectrum.jpg

  118. Gary

    Easily my favorite of all your images! Interestingly enough, several of my previous favorites are featured in this one. 🙂

  119. Chris

    I love this one!!! Extremely clever use of old wall papers to make a new, so far unseen idea. Love the way you used a ROY G BIV color scheme to make things even more artistic. Possibly one of my favorites of all time.

  120. Randall

    All our yesterdays is a great episode! I was also thinking about TNG episode “Contagion.” In that one, Picard, Data, and Worf explore ruins on a planet, and find a control room where they open portals to other planets.

    Again, beautiful work, one of my favorites so far!

  121. Tim W

    I use this as my lock screen and one of the planetary scenes as my regular wallpaper for my iPad. This is execellent!

  122. anna_writr

    The poser in front is blurry…I have the 16:9 PNG file. Very odd.

  123. Tom

    Nice work, Ryan! 9.28 after only 50 ratings! And what a great idea to take a half dozen of your best works (and several of my own personal favorites) and combine them into this gallery of great art. You continue to astound me, my friend. Keep your creative momentum alive!

  124. Somerlot

    Wow, this is actually a really nice idea and looks great!

  125. Kyle

    Neat idea, and the spectrum effect is really nice.

  126. Shawn

    Mr. Bowen’s words describe my initial reaction to this piece rather well. The contrasts of the colours as well as the different paths from which to chose is remarkable. Well done.

  127. Meng

    This was a different spin on things. In stead of creating a world or scenic piece, it is a place designed to take you to such places. VERY neat idea that opens up the art to a grander scheme–a universe of possible places to go and see. It sparks the imagination for sure. Excellent idea.

  128. Lidia

    What a neat and nerdy wallpaper! 🙂 It’s so awesome that you had that many related images to create the spectrum effect, I love it!

  129. Jenanne

    “All Our Yesterdays” Rocks and so does Portals! This is going up right now. Thank you for your tribute to one of my all time favorite episodes of Star Trek. Weird; I was reading “The Nitpicker’s Guide for Classic Trekkers” last night….

  130. Fvr

    My favorite wallpaper for months! Keep on 🙂

  131. tekrican

    Instantly became my wallpaper… And while I usually change mine every day, I think this ones gonna be around for a while. And now I also have to see the Star Trek episode… Don’t rememer if I saw it already.

    Thank you so very much.

    On another note… Might you be working on Quad renditions?? I’ve four monitors at work,and always go with your duals. My main monitor is #2; so #2 and #3 are dualed together; and I flip/flop #1 and #4. So on my left is monitor #4, showing the right half of your rendor, and monitor #1 is on my right, showing the left side of your renedor.

    I know… I’m weird. But that’s the way I like it. And you should take that also as a compliment, as coming across your work, made me put thought into how my monitors are set up specifically for using your wallpapaers. (And that’s all I’ve got to say about that! 🙂

  132. Figgy

    Dude i loved how you did this because its like a huge flashback from other images you have done and also the way you arranged the colors made a great contribution.

  133. Littlemom

    Simply amazing is all I can say.

  134. Dave the K

    One of your best, my man…..

  135. Brandi U.

    This has got to be one of your best ever. Love the idea and execution.

  136. Sanalith

    Quite possibly your best EVER! This is simply stunning! And you get MAJOR bonus points for referencing “All Our Yesterday,” one of my favorite Star Trek episodes of all time!

  137. Ryan

    I’m glad you recognized the Star Trek connection here. I almost wrote yesterday that the base inspiration for this piece was the original series episode “All Our Yesterdays”.

  138. RC Davison

    What a great idea to showcase multiple images! Now to make it an active wallpaper that would randomly cycle through all your images….

    Keep up the great work, Ryan!


  139. Randall

    Ryan, I LOVE it! This is so cool, and so creative. It reminds me of a Star Trek Next Generation episode about a long-dead race that used portals instead of space ships to colonize other worlds. Thank you!

  140. Ted

    New multiscreen is much more in keeping with the single screen. It’s fortunate this image isn’t one of those that takes a week to render!

  141. BCrone

    This is up there as being one of the all time greats in my opinion. It’s so good I just returned as a paying member to access it. The last time one of your works had this impact on me it was Highland Spring. Congratulations on another masterpiece.

  142. Maureen

    I really like this wallpaper. You get 3 fabulous views in one. Spectacular!

  143. Josh


  144. Spaarky

    Wow. That is all I have to say. Oh wait, let me say it again with more emphasis on my previous statement, WOW just Epic!!

  145. Ixias

    So when can I buy the poster?

  146. Nick

    This is beautiful. I think my favorite of your work to date.

  147. MARS

    nuff said,

  148. Miguell026

    Ryan you did a wonderful thing here!

    who doesn’t like mysterious portals? =D

    Awesome work! very colorful and somewhat glows’ish


  149. Angelique

    Awesome! I love this update to Login 😀

  150. Angelique

    Awesome! I love this update to Login 😀

  151. Ryan

    I’ve replaced the original multiscreens with a clearer render. The 3360 x 1050 and 1600 x 900 files are now included!

  152. Jeff

    Very, very nice! I always love your colorful designs.

  153. Unclegumby

    As mentioned, there is no 3360×105…? Also, no 1600×900 for my laptop

  154. Jon W.

    I love your work, and am always hoping that you’ll dive into quad-screen as that’s my layout at work. 4 1680×1050 screens… still looks awesome when I use the triple-screen version, tho.

  155. John

    Forgot the 3360 x 1050 dual screen again.

  156. bruceam

    Combinations and Retreads. Nice Combinations and Retreads, but Combinations and Retreads non-the-less.

  157. snave

    absotively posolutely !!!

  158. NeiL

    Very Nicely Done !!!

    Will there be any other Pickle Jar versions with different Portals ? 🙂


  159. Nico

    I am an old timer as in would love to see this on a black poster! LOL Hey this is great and love it! Thanks many times over!

  160. Chris B

    hehe maybe I’m a geek, but I like the spectrum. Was annoyed that the color ring stacker that my wife got for our baby had them the opposite, The biggest was purple and the smallest is red… Guess you could always say the more intense the energy the bigger?

    I really like how these all went together and they all seem like somewhere you could actually portal to… Not sure if I’d risk “Beginning of the End” though. I like the textures added to the different portals except it seems to make extrasolar extra pixelated and the drops are cool on Tropical Moon but maybe make it look like they are hitting from an angle rather than straight down.

    If you can, I think this would be a good image to keep the foreground and the portal master in focus as well as the portals. It looks kind of like a digital photo that is zoomed in way too far. You’re magical places are better than photos soooo… 🙂

    must my Nickle.

  161. Ryan

    Great idea!

  162. Nick R


  163. Scarr

    Lovin it.

  164. Michael

    I love this kind of thing, reminds of the 1998 gallery wall and the 1999 login that you did. I was disappointed that there was not more of these later on and would like to see more of maybe a yearly update or so of past images worked in cleverly like you did here.

  165. Yvan

    A tribute to the imagination.

    to boldly go where no one has gone before.

    the choice is yours.

  166. Ryan

    Yes, I think the blurring is a little too strong on the multiscreen. I’m going to render a new version and post it this evening.

  167. zoo maven

    This is simply an amazing wallpaper Ryan!!! I recognize some of the wallpapers you used. I really like this and will use this right away on my computer!

  168. Ted

    I noticed this a little on the single screen, but on the dual screen it makes the image unusable for me. The entire foreground just looks like grainy mud to me. I love the concept of the piece and the colors though. If the foreground could be cleaned up, I’d say this is another multi-screen winner.

  169. JDD

    good example of thinking outside the box. ‘Like’

  170. Macindean

    Ryan, I have been one of your subscribers for years now and I have many, many of your works on my computer, but I have to say, as far as my first impression goes, THIS IS MY MOST FAVORITE SO FAR!! Thank you for your labor.

  171. Utoxin

    Love this. That is all.

  172. Dennis M.

    I like the concept a great deal, but the realism was a little dampened when I realized they were arranged by color! hehehe.

  173. Chris

    I love that the images really look like you could walk through them, complete with rain puddling on the surface of one. I can’t wait to see the multiscreen render of this!

  174. Chris

    I love that the images really look like you could walk through them, complete with rain puddling on the surface of one. I can’t wait to see the multiscreen render of this!

  175. Chris

    I can’t wait to see the multiscreen render of this …

  176. madtyger

    I love it! Includes some of my favorite wallpapers plus gives an awesome sense of wonderment.

  177. Kristin

    This is such a wonderful idea and a wonderful wallpaper. Thank you, I absolutely love this one 🙂

  178. Leonia

    Is there a chance to see a PlayStation Vita-sized version of this wallpaper?

  179. Randy

    Absolutely love this!

  180. Alberich

    I love David’s idea, down the page, of using this for a lock screen then rotating the “destinations” on the desktop. I don’t have 7 Ultimate, so I can’t change the lock screen, but I think I’ll be putting this on my iPhone lock screen next month instead. The iPhone version shows only four portals (sadly), so each one will get a week on my home screen.

  181. Mike

    I like that the figure is blurred, makes it look like he’s starting to move towards one of the portals, but the viewer isn’t sure which.

  182. Drewski

    Nice, but #3 All-Time? No way. Shouldn’t be anywhere near the top 10.

  183. margaret t

    i think this picture is absalutly fantastic it seems as if your in another world lovely thks

  184. Penny

    if only the places were really real.. they are beautiful Ryan. To be able to just step through.

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