Posted on February 23, 2008
Added a new abstract, “Axiomatic“, to the gallery this morning. This one (and “Colorwheel” for that matter) continues a theme, Mandalas, that I have had a lot of fun with over the years. Something about them just fascinates me for some reason.
After my last project hogged my machine for nearly 3 weeks, one of my goals with this one was to create a detailed and interesting piece that rendered in under an hour. I’m happy to report that “Axiomatic” renders in only 6 minutes on my machine. The entire image is composed of cubes.
As with most of my abstracts, I know some will like it and others will not. It was fun to make however (after the frustration of my last piece) and I think it makes a nice wallpaper. I hope you enjoy it.
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