Posted on April 9, 2010
My gallery on DecalGirl is now available. If you haven’t heard of DecalGirl, they create reusable plastic “skins” which you can apply to any number of different devices (smartphones, laptops, game consoles and even headphones!) to give it a customized look.
One of the things the drew me to DecalGirl was that, were possible, they create a special wallpaper which creates a seamless look on the device. You can check out some examples in my mock-up gallery on Facebook. Having a proper wallpaper be part of the package fits perfectly with DB’s raison d’etre.
I gave DecalGirl the same ultra hi-res graphics that I use for my poster prints so the wallpapers, though a cropped portion of the whole image, will still look great.
My initial collection contains a few of my very favorite images but I will be adding a whole lot more soon. Feel free to post below if you have questions or comments.