Posted on February 23, 2011
I had hoped to have my new project ready for you over the past weekend, but my renderer locked up after 64 hours into the process (with but 9 left to go) and I had to restart. The scene file was saved so only time was lost, but it still stung.
It is humming along again and looks to be ready sometime in the next 24 hours.
In the meantime while you are here I would invite you to browse through the gallery and rate a few images if you haven’t done so for a while. First log-in here and then as you browse the gallery only the images you have rated will have an input form.
I certainly don’t expext anyone to rate more than a few at a time. It does help me out though as my newer work only makes my “Top Rated” lists when they have at least 100 ratings. Let me know if you have any questions in the “Site Comments” thread.
Thanks so much and please check back in the days ahead (or follow me on Facebook or Twitter to get updated in your “stream”). I think this one will be worth the wait.