Posted on February 28, 2011
I’ve always been a sucker for magic and fantasy. Some of my earliest renders attempt to capture this. For whatever reason it has been a quite a long time since I’ve tried anything “magical”. After doing a little CRPG gaming this winter and purchasing a new version of Lightwave the time seemed right to dust off my spellbook.
The result is “Arcana” which is new in the Members Gallery this morning. This one took about 10 days longer to produce than it should have. The volumetrics were simply too much for my current machine. One render locked up at 66 hours and (after I dialed back the quality settings a tad) the final render took 155 hours. Amazingly it only took something like 10 minutes to render without the volumetrics. I will not wait that long for the multiscreen version.
Anyway, I hope the wait was worth it. For my part I have not been sitting idle while this rendered on and on. I have two other projects going on my other machines so March looks to come in like a lion…