Posted on November 28, 2011
Happy Cyber Monday! A few items to report today.
First, I’ve added a daytime version of my “Elegy (Winter)” scene to the Members Gallery this morning.
If you are using ChronoWall you can now set the night version to display in the evening and this new version during the day. Please give ChronoWall a try if you enjoy my time-of-day variations. For the rest of today the developer is offering 25% off if you use the coupon code blackfriday.
Speaking of discounts, I am running my first ever “Cyber Monday” Special for today only.
New Members can save 25% or current Members can save 30% on any renewal by using the coupon code “cybermonday“.
Lastly, on the subject of “Cyber Monday”, here’s a rundown of my partner’s deals today:
Zazzle is running a big sale for the next few hours. Their coupon code is “ZCYBERMONDAY“. DecalGirl is also running a 25% off sale today (and has a couple of my Christmas designs available). Their coupon code is “TWENTYFIVE“. Finally, Murals-Your-Way is offering 35% off any mural in stock.
Hope to have a new Christmas wallpaper up sometime this week so I hope you will check back!