Posted on March 5, 2012
Last year I added “coupon codes” to DB so I could offer a special discount every so often. It was nice to start with, but over time I have come to realize that a lot of folks were “waiting for the next special” and that’s not where I want to be. There was also the awkward position of offering a discount only minutes after someone had signed up at the regular price.
I have decided going forward to keep only the three coupon codes I have in place for education discounts (code: learning), military discounts (code: liberty) and returning Members (code: iamback). The discount for people who purchase Chronowall will also remain in place.
I am offering one last coupon code today through midnight 3/7 (code: lastsale) for everyone who has been waiting for the next one and then I will be discontinuing all other coupon codes.
All Memberships and Renewals are 25% off from now until midnight 3/7 if you use the coupon code “lastsale”.
Renewals are added onto your current Membership so you will lose nothing by renewing during this last special.
Get ’em while they are hot! Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the thread below.
Thanks everyone for supporting my work!!