Posted on February 19, 2017
In January of 1997 I was about to graduate from the University of Iowa with a BS in Computer Science and I was looking for a decent job. One of the companies I interviewed with asked if I knew how to code web pages (the WWW was the hot new thing in ’97) and I honestly told them “No”. I didn’t get the job.
The CS dept didn’t teach web programming back then so I bought myself a copy of “HTML for Dummies” and, over the course of a weekend, put together a web gallery containing all of the 3D renders that I had been creating for fun up until that point.
I posted them on my ISP supplied homepage and called it “Digital Blasphemy”.
Two years later I decided to try to make it my full-time job by asking the folks who enjoyed my work the most to pay a small fee to access my entire collection. Since 1999 I have spent my days (and nights) creating new renders for the people who support my work.
Here’s a look at 20 years of renders in one image…
Thanks so much to all of the current and former Members who have made it all possible. Here’s to another 20 years!!