Posted on April 15, 2018
There was a lot that I liked about “Oceana” but there was a lot that (I felt) didn’t work out. Some of the geometry was broken (due to excessive displacement), it wasn’t as colorful as I would like, and it took so long to render that I couldn’t really make revisions or a multiscreen version.
Consider this scene to be something of a “do over”. For starters it only took less than a tenth of the time to render on Shadowfax so I should be able to create a multiscreen version (maybe even a VR panorama) without difficulty.
BTW, It started as an exercise learning Oculus Medium but most of that geometry is covered up with undersea life 🙂
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions upcoming!