DB 2.0

Posted on January 18, 2022

Cris and I have been hard at work getting DB 2.0 ready and I think it’s time to let folks use the new site. If you are a Member and you haven’t yet migrated your account data over to the DB 2.0 please log in to the old account page here and click the link to do so.

I plan on keeping DB 1.0 running for a little while longer but I’m not going to add any more Members here. The mobile apps will keep functioning as well as Display Fusion and MMW Integration for the time being but those will require your old DB login. The one you create when you migrate will only be usable on DB 2.0!.

It is a sad fact that, eventually, all Members (other than the Lifetime ones) will need to set up a new subscription on the new site. The merchant account I’ve been using for this old site was created in 1999 and the data cannot be exported to modern systems.

When your payment is set up on the new site I will delete whatever you have set up here. The new site has more payment options and is much nicer to use so I expect everyone will find it easy to figure out. If your payment isn’t due for a while you don’t need to do anything right now.

Benefits of the new site??

  • Modern login system (works with password managers)
  • Modern mobile site
  • More ultrawide resolutions
  • Lossless master multiscreens (Plus Members and Above)
  • Free mobile wallpapers for all (registration required)

If are aren’t a DB Member please feel free to look around and I hope you will consider supporting my work by becoming a DB Member!

10 thoughts on "DB 2.0"

  1. Michael Schmitt [Lifetime] says:

    DB 2.0 doesn’t let me be logged on on a wallpaper page. If I login it takes me to My Account, but when I go back to the wallpaper page, it shows as “Login” again. This means it is not possible to leave a review of a wallpaper.

    1. Ryan [Lifetime Plus] says:

      Try reloading the page maybe after you are logged in? Are you able to download images??

      1. Michael Schmitt [Lifetime] says:

        Now it is working. Weird.

        Maybe Privacy Badger was blocking the cookie. If have to remember to check it when websites behave oddly.

  2. Mark Petts [] says:

    Liking DB 2.0 so far. I’m now back as a Patron, it’s been a while… Would be nice to have the option to change the number of posts shown on the page, rather than there just being 5 shown with 363 pages.

    1. Ryan [Lifetime Plus] says:

      Thanks so much Mark!! Glad you are back and I really appreciate your support!!

      Yes, I actually mentioned that to Cris this morning that an “infinite scroll” would be much better.

  3. Michael Schmitt [Lifetime] says:

    The DB 2.0 wallpaper pages have no posting or last update date, on either the Wallpapers > Newest page or on the individual pages.

    (I check the wip > last update dates to see if any wallpapers have been changed since last downloaded.)

    1. Cris [Lifetime Plus] says:

      This is something I can discuss with Ryan. As for the hooded peak / twilight comment/review you made, that one was a fluke. That should not happen again in terms of things changing slugs/skus.

  4. George Mayhew [Basic] says:

    This is awesome! Thanks, Ryan and Cris.

  5. jstephan [] says:

    is the update process for DB2.0 different for lifetime members?

    1. Ryan [Lifetime Plus] says:

      Not sure what you mean by “update”.

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