Posted on February 6, 2025
After creating my new version of “Singularity” I knew I wanted to try a scene observing it from a nearby world. I’d already done something sort of similar with “Samsara” and I didn’t want to replicate that. Instead I went for a more natural, terrestrial type scene teetering on the verge of annihilation. Yes, I’m sure a scene like this probably couldn’t exist due to its proximity to the singularity but I hope you will excuse my artistic license (once again).
I found that the blue/red version of my black hole didn’t really work for what I wanted to depict here so I rendered a new version with more uniform coloring. If I do a darker version I might still use the original. I’ll post that other version of Singularity in the Pickle Jar shortly after I render a multiscreen version.
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