Tropical Moon of Thetis

(27 customer reviews)


SKU: thetismoon Category: Tags: , ,

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27 reviews for Tropical Moon of Thetis

  1. Alex Cadar

    Same as a previous reviewer, this IS and WAS my wallpaper on all my home workstations since mid 2000s. It is THAT good!

    I am not sure if it is still possible but, native double and triple screen versions would be amazing to have!

  2. TacoJohn1267

    Its impressive that, over twenty years later, this STILL looks great!

  3. Becky [nonmonthly]

    This piece in the that started my obsession with your site. I have used this background on every PC i have owned since i was about 16. I?m now 36 so that should tell you how long i?ve been a fan. I love this site. i hope it stays up forever.

  4. Christian C. [basicmember]

    “This” was the piece that got me hooked on your work. I was sitting night desk in the dorms, years and years ago, and this was the background image on the computer. I loved it so much, I wrote down the little web address in the corner and visited your site to see what else there was. The rest is history.

  5. steve [lifer]

    MY GOD how has it been 20 years. This was on my screen senior year of engineering school. So many memories. Still a great work looking forward to the night version

  6. iMav [basicmember]

    One of my all-time favorites! I have definitely used this more often than not over the past (NEARLY) two decades!

  7. Lil B [lifer]

    My lifetime companion from computer to computer over the last nearly two decades! I never tire of opening to it on my desktop. Thank you, Ryan, for keeping it “active” as I have “lost” it more than once during these moves! Your work is admirable and your creations fascinating, which I enjoy perusing, but Tropical Moon of Thetis is still my all-time favourite! Calming, soothing and absolutely brilliant! Some have commented, “Saturn rising,” others “Saturn falling into the sea,” but I say it is not Saturn at all but magical Thetis rising (or falling) over a magical tropical sea.

  8. Phil C. [basicmember]

    This is another one of those images that has made the move with me from new computer to new computer. I will never be without it.

  9. Keith [lifer]

    A friend of mine introduced me to this site, and your work, with this image in 2001. I was absolutely captivated by this image. I first saw the 800×600 resolution image and thought it was the best thing ever. I am very happy to see that it has survived in popularity to see itself be re-rendered into higher resolutions for the modern era and it still looks amazing.

  10. Yanna [basicmember]

    This is one of my absolute favorite wallpapers. I would also like to see a day version of this!

  11. Jason

    This is my favourite, I remember seeing it when I was 14 (in 2001)thinking how awesome it is. Had it as my banner for a few online games etc. Could only get the free low-res preview.

    Just thought about it again just then and decided to purchase an account just for this picture as now I finally have the means to be able to.

  12. Romarch

    I know “Fluorescence” is (literally) the iconic image of your site. But judging by how many times I’ve seen “Tropical Moon of Thetis” on other sites, sometimes with credit and sometimes without, and sometimes as the background for someone else’s art (even with the watermark!), I’d have to regard this one as *the* signature piece of your collection. It certainly seems to be the most widely-distributed and widely-used. That must be a headache legally; it ain’t Pokemon–you can’t catch ’em all. But looked at another way, it’s a heck of a compliment…

    No matter; *I* love it, even if it *is* popular! *g*

  13. Cindy B.

    This is the first image I saw which brought me to Digital Blasphemy. It has always resonated with the sci-if geek in me. It has been my wallpaper since ’01, through six computers and three jobs. Love it!

  14. Roberd

    This is an absolute masterpiece. This is the first Digitalblasphemy wallpaper I saw, it was probably back when it came out and I saw it on my friends machine and I was spellbound, I had never seen anything like it before.

    Thank you Ryan!

  15. Raj

    Would really appreciate a 2880×1800 option for my rMBP. By the way, I absolutely love how your wallpapers look on the screen!

  16. Melyssa

    Back in high school, somewhere in 2002, I was stumbling around for wallpapers that weren’t crap, and luckily found Digital Blasphemy. All the wallpapers here were mindblowing, but this one in particular stuck DB in my head forever. … And made me lurk around and bum off freebies all these years, until yesterday when I finally subscribed, heh! Thank you so much Ryan for all these years of gorgeous art. (:

  17. Joy B

    Hello! This is one I lost when my PC crashed a few years ago. It was my favorite Desktop.

    It is wonderful to see it again.

    Thank you….


  18. lilbas

    Since 2001, I have loved this mysterious yet comforting place on the Digitalblasphemy Planet, and it has remained my wallpaper these many years. The newer “Tropical Moon 2007” is a bit more turbulent – exciting yet magnificent – as is each and every outstanding design. Thank you so much! You calm my spirit as I am sure you are calmed when your muse embraces your talent and dances before you in the process of creating these remarkable images.

  19. Solda

    This is probly my favorite image on the site, its completly awsome… you will never find pictures of this caliber anywhere else. Im so grateful you made this your proffesion. You have raw, raw talent…

    But seriously do u not come up with these on mushrooms or sumthing lol ^_^

  20. aaron

    Hands down, this is what makes this site worth the money, great job!

  21. Ethan

    you come upon something that moves you. This does that for me.

    I feel at peace when I look at this picture. I wish I could live on that beach. Great work, my first ’10’ rating.

  22. Gadgetgirl

    What a beautiful site. Absolutely georgeous and amazing. I can go on and on with adjectives that would describe this work of art. I can imagine myself being there.

  23. armyantsrule

    there is no match, this one is simply stunning, leaves my speechless every time i see it. i wish i oculd live with it on my front doorstep every night.

  24. Anne

    I love digital art that evokes some sort of emotion. This one is breathtaking

  25. Labanimal

    whenever i have friends over looking at my desktop pics, their reaction to this one is OMG!

    I love wallpapers that stretches imagination, distant places, things you will never see, but here at Digital Blasphemy its a priceless reality!.


  26. Tom

    …that this image has got to be one of the greatest landscape pictures I have ever seen. It has inspired countless doodles and daydreams.

    No matter where I go, whether it be work or school, this image always pops up. It’s serenity through balance and color continue to amaze me (and as it turns out, everyone else too) even after five years of being a member to this site. It is truely a wallpaper to have.

    In my opinion, this is the signature image of the site.

  27. Ross H

    …that got me hooked. Way back in high school, my astronomy teacher introduced me to DB, via this amazing work of art. I’m glad to finally be able to subscribe!

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