Posted on June 7, 2010

  • The iPhone 4 (with its super fancy “Retina Display“) was announced today and I’ve just added 640 x 960 images to fit it. Thanks to the new iOS4 you will finally be able to see the wallpaper behind your phone icons (without jailbreaking the phone).

    These files, like the Droid, N1 and Evo wallpapers, will be reserved for my faithful Members.

  • Interested in a free 1 year (or Lifetime) Membership?

    DB Member “Walo” has, in an act of extreme generosity, purchased a number of 1-year Membership Gift Certificates and left it to me give them away. It was a wonderful gesture and I will try to do it justice.

    Here’s how it will work. If you are interested in a free 1 year Membership all you need to do is write a post on the DB Facebook wall regarding why you deserve it the most. Yes, this contest is only open to Facebook “fans” and you must admit that you “Like” Digital Blasphemy in order to post on my wall. Please preface the post with the words “DB MEMBERSHIP GIVEAWAY” so I know you are entered.

    You can post a photo, a video, or just write what you feel. 7 Winners will be selected (based on the comments/likes they receive from my FB Fans and on my own “รผber alles” vote) with 6 receiving 1 year Memberships (as donated by Walo) and 1 overall winner receiving a Lifetime Membership (donated by me). Current Members can participate as well. I will just apply the gift certificate as a renewal.

    I’d like to give away the Memberships on Wednesday June 9th so please have your entries posted by then.

    So let’s hear it. I know there a lot of you out there who want to be Members but, for whatever reason, haven’t pulled the trigger so far. May the most