Posted on March 25, 2011
Happy Friday! A few items to mention today.
First, confession time. I posted “Dolmen” unfinished not only because I wanted it to be ready for St. Paddy’s Day but also because I was heading out the door that morning for a little holiday with my family in Florida that we’d been planning for ages .
We just got back last evening (some pics here if you are interested) and I haven’t really had a chance to start any revisions on the dolmen, but I do appreciate all the wonderful feedback!
While waiting for the Dolmen to finish rendering I doodled a little tropical daydream on my laptop. I set it to render on my main machine while I was away and, though it is still in the very rough stages, I thought it looked nice enough to share. I call it (tentatively) “Tropic of Thetis” and I’m thinking it will be a day render in my “Tropical Moon” series (the planet will be added later).
Just a heads up: I am going to have a little “flash contest” on my Facebook page to give away a free 1 year Membership (or renewal) sometime in the next few days. “Fan” me to make sure my posts show up your feed or be sure to check in from time to time if you are interested. If you would like a leg up on the contest take a look at the t-shirts here (specifically the “House” shirts).
Lastly a HUGE to the folks who have been donating to my “new workstation fund” ($14035.97 since 3/3!). My goal with the donations is enough to get me two more 30″ monitors so I can finally have a triple-head system of my own (I will be covering the new workstation myself). If you own multiple monitors and want to see a “multiscreen reniassance” at DB, please think about chipping in because these suckers are expensive!
Stay tuned!