Posted on January 18, 2013
I am offering a free Lifetime membership (or upgrade) to the person who writes the best haiku based on one of my wallpapers.
Simply post your haiku in the comments section for the above image on my Facebook page along with a link to the wallpaper in my gallery that inspired you. The link should be in the form /product/haiku2k72 (copy/paste it from your address bar is the easiest way to do this).
The writer with the most likes by 5pm (CDT) will win the Lifetime Membership and the next two will win 1 year Memberships (or renewals).
Yes, your haiku must be in the 5-7-5 syllable format to win.
Here’s a wonderful example from DB Member Michelle…
“Like this autumn leaf,
I hope to show my colors
Before I am gone.”
Good Luck!!
(PS: Be looking for a new render shortly…)