Posted on December 30, 2017


If you’ve enjoyed my 360 Panoramas you might be interested to know that Santa brought me an Oculus Rift VR system for Christmas. I’ve been having a lot of fun these past few days rendering 3D panoramic versions of certain scenes and this morning I’ve added some to the gallery.

360 VR versions of “Standing Stones” and “Minimal Surfaces” are new. I’ve also added new 3D versions of “Pyre“, “Beginnings“, and “Axonal“. More to come!

Members can download the 4K panoramic and 4K panoramic 3D versions (where available) from my gallery pages (they are also available a la carte to non-Members). You don’t need a headset to view the 360 panoramas. You can view them in your browser (albeit in 2D) here.

Guess I was a good boy this year.

A post shared by Ryan Bliss (@dblasphemy) on Dec 25, 2017 at 7:33pm PST

On the Oculus Rift they are viewable using the 360 Photos app (be aware you will need a Xbox controller to navigate the menus for some reason). Put the images in your “Pictures/OculusPhotos” directory.

If someone has instructions for viewing on the Vive, PSVR, Gear VR, etc I would love to hear them!