Author: Ryan

Posted on July 7, 2016

Bones of the Earth

It’s been a while since I’ve attempted a cave render and one of my fans recently shared some photos which inspired me to try my hand at it again.

The geometry was started in Lightwave and sculpted using Zbrush before importing into Vue.

I have future plans for this scene…:-)

Posted on June 6, 2016


I’ve been mostly working on some back-end stuff this past week and waiting for my new server to go online. Once it is online I will be migrating my site to the new box (hopefully before the end of the week). Not doing any redesigns at this time but I will seriously be looking into it once the site is moved.

While waiting for my new box to go online I’ve put together a view of “Beginnings” from the surface of a primordial satellite. I learned a great deal about Vue’s “displaced ocean” settings for this one. The multiscreen version is already rendering on Bucephalus.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on June 6, 2016


Looking back through this year’s renders I noticed that I had yet to do a single outer space scene. I sincerely apologize for this oversight on my part and offer “Beginnings” to rectify the matter. This piece attempts to (artistically) capture the moment a star ignites amidst the primordial dust.

Dual and triple-screen versions are also available. I hope you enjoy it!!

Posted on June 6, 2016


I used to make this sort of abstract using “Xfrog”, but I have to admit that “The Plant Factory” is a lot more powerful. The upside is that I can use this geometry as a plant in Lightwave if I so fancy (and I just might…).

Dual and triple-screen versions are also available. Don’t be surprised if I post a few revisions in the days ahead as this one is still fluid 🙂

Posted on June 6, 2016

The Grid (2016)

Given that “The Plant Factory” specializes in branching structures, I thought it would be interesting to see how it would handle creating a new version of “The Grid” from 2005(!).

I’ve gone with texture mapped models here (since the procedural shader I used before doesn’t work with the 64-bit version of Lightwave) and I’ve added some little extra “nodes” here and there to break up all the right-angles.

Let me know what you think!!


I’ve scrapped my initial version and posted one I created using an entirely different method. Let me know what you think of the update!

Please note: Summer has always been my slowest time of the year! If you’ve ever thought about becoming a Member, renewing, or becoming a Lifetime Supporter NOW would be a great time!!