Posted on June 6, 2024
The night version requests started almost instantly after I shared “Crystal Vale”. This one took a bit longer than I had intended because I decided to change up the lighting after the first single-screen render (which itself took nearly 36hrs). I hope you enjoy it!!
Posted on June 6, 2024
Experimenting here with Cinema4D to create crystal structures that I could then incorporate into a large scale VUE landscape. Originally I envisioned this scene being underground in a large cavern but as I was exploring the possibilities I decided I liked the crystals better when lit by the sun.
I hope you enjoy it!!
Posted on May 5, 2024
I thought it would be fun to create a daylight version of “Arethusa” but change up the atmosphere and colors drastically. I’ll leave it to the viewer to figure out the science behind the changes, I just wanted to play with colors and light 🙂
Posted on May 5, 2024
Happy Friday! Creating dark and colorful planetscapes is like comfort food for me and this scene is like a bowl of chicken noodle soup. “Arethusa” was a celestial nymph from ancient Greek mythology and I’ve taken to naming my planetscapes after them.
I created the foreground using Gaea (very fun using it to create alien forms), the planets using a mix of Cinema 4D and Lightwave, and the rendered the whole thing using VUE.
I hope you enjoy it!
Posted on May 5, 2024
I thought it would be fun to make a moonlit version of my “Red Sky at Night” remaster. Usually when I create a night version I like to move things around to show the passage of time but here I left things the same. Hope you don’t mind but getting just the right wave and cloud configuration took days 😄