Author: Ryan

Posted on May 5, 2014

Inner Space

Continuing my experiments with e-on’s “The Plant Factory” here, exploring possibilities beyond greenery. Here’s a development photo showing TPFs “Grow on Mesh” capability with a non-continuous object.

Sorry the first draft is a little grainy. I used Lightwave’s native renderer here because F2 (my preferred Lightwave renderer) doesn’t work with Lightwave’s new instancing. I will work on cleaning it up for future renders.

Let me know what you think!

Multiscreen users: I have a 7680 x 1600 version of “Endless Blue (Night)” rendering now on Asfaloth. I hope to have it ready soon!!

Posted on May 5, 2014


Here’s a scene that I started on Asfaloth while I waited for “Endless Blue (Night)” to finish rendering on Bucephalus. It’s was inspired by “Relics” from 2000, but I thought it would be interesting to focus down the barrel. I modeled the barrel using Lightwave and then used the “grow-on-mesh” capability of The Plant Factory to create the vines.

Let me know what you think. I know it’s a bit different…

Posted on May 5, 2014

Endless Blue (Night)

I started work on a night-time adaptation of “Endless Blue” almost immediately after I posted the last day version. It took me a few tried before I arrived at something worthy to post though. My first attempts were far too dark.

I hope I didn’t go overboard with the lights in this one. As with the day version wanted to take what I had done before and turn it up to 11.

Let me know what you think. I hope to have multiscreens soon!!

Posted on May 5, 2014

Pot of Gold (Night)

I had always planned on making a night version of “Pot of Gold” but I underestimated how much trouble I would have doing it Vue d’Esprit. Most of my “glowing” work is created in Lightwave after all.

I did finally manage to create something interesting in Vue but then after nearly 5 days (!) of rendering I aborted the scene. Instead I decided it would be better all-around if I recreated the pond scene in Lightwave for my night version.

I hope you like the result!

Posted on May 5, 2014

Endless Blue (2014)

I think I am finally happy with my revised “Endless Blue“. At times I’ve wanted to retitle it “Endless Rendering” but I’ve finally figured out how to render it semi-quickly with decent quality. The night version should be interesting…