Author: Ryan

Posted on November 11, 2012

Sleepwalker Wood (Winter/Night) for multiple monitors -- Updated 11/19/12
I’ve been using my “Sleepwalker Wood” scene to learn how Vue 11s new “360 Ecosystems” work. To that end there are now several different versions of the forest in the Pickle Jar for Members to choose from (including this blue one). You can help me out by rating the images you like and I will use the highest rated render for my main gallery. Thanks!!

Posted on November 11, 2012

Sleepwalker Wood (Winter/Night) for multiple monitors -- Added 11/15/12
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Sleepwalker Wood (Winter/Night)” to the Members Gallery this morning. I went with the more popular “deeper focus” version for this one.

Posted on November 11, 2012

Sleepwalker Wood (Winter/Night) -- Added 11/12/12Vue 11 finally includes the ability to populate ecosystems on all sides of an object (previously they could only grow “on the top” of an object).

I immediately thought of Christmas lights.

Anyway, it was a bit more complicated than simply clicking a button but after much trial and error rendering (on my Asfaloth laptop no less) I think I am getting closer to happy.

Let me know what you think!

Posted on November 11, 2012

Sleepwalker Wood (Winter) -- Added 11/09/12 So many of you enjoyed the “zombie-less” version of “Sleepwalkers” that I put in the Pickle Jar that I thought it might be worthwhile to create a winter version for the Members Gallery.

I left the zombies out of this one but they may show up in the Pickle Jar later (“White Walker” style?).

I rendered this one using the new version of Vue d’Esprit. Vue 11 comes with a particle system for rendering snow/rain effects, but I used my old method here (a “snow object” ecosystem). For some reason I couldn’t get the new Vue snow to be as dense as I wanted. I will play around with it some more though

Let me know what you think!

Posted on November 11, 2012

Winterborn -- Added 11/02/12I’ve added my 2012 version of “Winterborn” to the Members Gallery this morning. I actually put this one together a few weeks ago, but it seemed too early in the Autumn season (here in the Northern Hemisphere) to post such frosty wallpaper.

It’s probably still a bit too early but I think this one turned out nicely and it has never been in my nature to “sit on” a wallpaper.

Here’s the 2001 version if you are interested. I always thought the original render was a bit dark so I wanted this version to be brighter and have a little more “magic”.

I hope you guys enjoy it!!