Posted on November 11, 2011
I’ve added dual and triple-screen versions of “Elegy (Winter/Night)” to the Members Gallery this morning. You may notice the framing is a bit different than the original multiscreen version of “Elegy“. I ran into a nasty Vue d’Esprit bug which wiped out my scene file for the original multiscreen so I had to recreate it as best I could.
Posted on November 11, 2011
I’ve added updated versions of “The Grand Design” to the Members gallery (because even the grandest design can be improved). The new version incorporates some of the suggestions I received in the feedback (adding nebulae, star clusters, etc). I’ve also added new dual and triple-screen renders that pull back on the zoom a little and show a bit more of the vertical energy streamers.
Hope you enjoy the changes! Check out my Zazzle store for the print and canvas versions!.
If you have a PS3 you can now log into the Playstation Network Store and purchased animated “dynamic” XMB themes based on my work. You can check them out on the Disruptive Media home page or log in the PSN store and find them under New Releases>>Premium Themes.
Hope to have the multiscreen of “Elegy (Winter/Night)” up soon and be looking for a new underwater render in the near future…
Posted on October 10, 2011
I’ve added a “Winter/Night” version of “Elegy” to the Members Gallery this morning. I put this one together shortly after I rendered the original Autumn version but it didn’t seem right to post while the weather was still somewhat warm outside. This one fits the Halloween mood a little better I think.
I do plan on adding a brighter winter version at a later date.
I am running a Halloween Special until Midnight tomorrow!
All Memberships and Renewals are 25% off if you use the coupon code “trickortreat”.
Speaking of Halloween, you will find “All Hallows Eve” added to the Free Gallery today. Enjoy!
Posted on October 10, 2011
A couple of items to mention today. First I am running a Halloween Special until midnight 10/31!
All Memberships and Renewals are 25% off if you use the coupon code “trickortreat”. If you’ve been waiting for a sale this is as good as it is going to get for a while.
Also, I’ve added dual and triple-screen renders of “The Grand Design” to the Members Gallery this morning. For the multiscreen I tried “zooming” in on the galaxy so it spans the entire horizonal frame, however I am not entirely convinced this worked out for the best.
I am planning on implementing a few of the suggestions made in the feedback section so if you would like to see the revised multiscreen framed differently please share your thoughts.
Posted on October 10, 2011
I added a new space wallpaper to the Members Gallery today. This one is called “The Grand Design” in homage to Prof. Stephen Hawking.
As you can see, my quest continues for the “perfect” galaxy. I can definitely see rendering this scene “from the ground” so don’t be surprised if such a scene appears in the days or weeks ahead.
I hope you will all continue using “Dracul” (or one of my other Halloween wallpapers) through the holiday and know that I have you covered for Nov. 1st.