Posted on June 6, 2011
Couple of items to mention today. First, I’ve added “Happy 4th” to the free gallery today. I wish those of you in the US a safe and happy holiday weekend! I do have a couple of other fitting wallpapers that my Members can choose from.
I also wanted to let you all know that I’ve signed a license agreement with today. I already offer posters through Zazzle but these are a bit different. They are designed to take up an entire wall! I hope to have my images up and available by next week so watch this space if you are interested.
If there’s an image you would really like to see available as a mural please feel free to post in the comments thread below!
Posted on June 6, 2011
I’ve added Pickle Jar thumbnails to the gallery pages so you can see all of the versions at a glance. Here’s an example with a brand new “pickle” added just today and one more for new pickle for good measure.
Posted on June 6, 2011
The reaction to “Phraxis Moon” was so positive that I decided to spend a few more hours to flesh out the rough bits so it could have its own place in my gallery. Thanks for the feedback everyone! This is your gallery too..
PS: The prices on my Amazon links for signups and renewals will go back to normal tomorrow. (06-29-11 edit: The sale is over. Thanks everyone!)
Posted on June 6, 2011
I found this render on my old computer last night and wondered why I never posted it in the first place. It was from 2009 when I was developing “Phraxis” so I have placed it in the Pickle Jar there for Members to download. It’s pretty rough but interesting to look at.
I am usually at odds when I develop a space scene. There are usually two ways to go: I can use the view “from space” or I can try a view from “the ground”. With Phraxis I eventually went with the space view. Which do you prefer?
I also wanted to mention that I’ve added Amazon Payments for both new signups and renewals. You can become a Member (or renew) as easily and securely as you would purchase anything else on Amazon and be downloading artwork immediately.
To kick things off I am offering $5 off of my 1, 2, and 3 year Memberships for new Members who sign up through Amazon and I am going to do the same with my 2 and 3 year renewals. Lifetime Memberships and Renewals are both $10 off through the Amazon links.
I didn’t discount the least expensive Memberships/Renewals because Amazon doubles their fee for charges under $10. Sorry!
No coupon required but you have to use the Amazon buttons to get the discount!
Limited time only so act now 😉
Posted on June 6, 2011
A couple of items to mention this evening.
First, one of my favorite blogs featured one of my dualscreen wallpapers yesterday. Normally that is great news but unfortunately they linked to a site that had posted it without my permission. Rather than turn all those nice people away I have updated my free Multi-Monitor Sample page with the image in question (“At World’s Edge Winter“).
Check it out here if you are wondering what my multiscreens would look like on your system!
On the subject of multiscreens, I’ve turned Buchephalus loose on the long delayed “Enshrouded” multiscreen. It seems to be going much faster this time.
Lastly, I’ve added a print version of “Red Harbinger” to my Zazzle collection by request.