Posted on April 4, 2011
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Tropic of Thetis (Nightfall)” this morning. I had started this one rendering before I added the “glowing foam” to the single-screen version, so that is why the shoreline is dark. The foam was a bit controversial in the single-screen version so maybe the multiscreen would be better without it?
In other news, my next project will be something green…
Posted on April 4, 2011
I added my (currently) highest rated wallpaper to the free gallery this morning. It’s called “Highland Spring” and I rendered it using Vue d’Esprit 8 back in March of last year. It turned out so well the fine folks at E-onsoftware chose to use it for the cover of Vue d’Esprit 9. Not too shabby.
Hope you enjoy it! Check back shortly for the “Tropic of Thetis (Nightfall)” multiscreen…
Posted on April 4, 2011
I’ve posted an update to “Tropic of Thetis (Nightfall)” this morning that resets the cloud brightness and shifts the “bio-glow” more to the orange (away from pink). I’ve also added some “glowing foam” at the shoreline that I would be interested to hear your thoughts on.
The earlier versions will remain available to Members in the Pickle Jar. I have the multiscreens rendering now and they should be up shortly!
Posted on April 4, 2011
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Ostereier 2011” to the Members gallery this morning. I would haved liked to have rendered a multiscreen version of the original, but somehow I managed to lose a few of the original eggs sometime over the last 8 years. For some reason the egg files referenced by the Lightwave scene file are nowhere to be found on my HD. Very odd.
Posted on April 4, 2011
A Member asked recently why I hadn’t made an Easter picture since 2003 and I didn’t have a good answer. I guess I thought I had made as good an Easter Egg picture with the original Ostereier as I possibly could.
Anyway, I recently tried to open up my 2003 scene file (to do a higher res render) and was horrified to see that some of my egg objects were missing. As I looked at the incomplete scene I started playing with a few of the eggs that were left and after a while I guess I had redone them all.
The resulting render is a little on the trippy side, but I guess it is 4/20 after all…
Hope you enjoy it!