Posted on August 8, 2010
Posted on August 8, 2010
Posted on August 8, 2010
I’ve added the second render in my “Gotham Garden” seasonal series. This one depicts a hazy summer day in the city.
I hope to add autumn and winter versions later in the year and view them all together on this page.
Posted on August 8, 2010
Posted on August 8, 2010
It’s a sad day for me as I just returned from saying a final goodbye to my grandfather, Earl Kaufman. He passed away last week at the tender age of 97.
Grandpa lived a good long life and taught me a great many things, among them how to whistle, fish, and steer an airplane, car or boat. He also showed me how much personal joy can come from making others happy. He was a farmer, musician, pilot, businessman, politician, fireman, teacher, and a great friend to many. More than a few times I called him Dad by mistake.
Grandpa was something of a contrarian in his church and my positive spin on the term “blasphemy” has always been a tribute to him. Here’s a few photos I put together on Facebook shortly after his passing.
Goodbye Gramps.