Author: Ryan

Posted on August 8, 2023

I know it isn’t officially Fall for a month or so yet but I usually get the urge to revisit the season around the time when my kids start getting ready to go back to school.   Used VUE here and I will be sharing at least three seasons of this scene.    I already have a nighttime render of this Autumn version that I am excited to share soon.

I’ve featured this piece (and a winter version which I will post in the gallery later) in my brand new 2024 wall calendar which is available now. I hope you enjoy this series!!

Posted on August 8, 2023

After creating a long string of VUE landscapes I wanted to dip back into Cinema4D and Octane to keep up my learning.   Exploring a very interesting modeling plugin called “Divider” here and using it as a spring board to learn more about Octane materials and rendering.   Sort of minimal but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.   Inspired by the abstract paintings of Piet Mondrian.

Posted on August 8, 2023

Here’s the night version of my “Cloud Terrace” update.     The buildings on the hills are present in the day version but not very noticeable.     Their main purpose, of course, was to have their windows lit up for the night scene.   The cat is in her same spot but sleepy.

I hope you enjoy the update! It’s not too early to work on an Autumn piece is it??

Posted on July 7, 2023

Revisiting one of my favorites from 2008 here using new and improved plants, terrace geometry and clouds.   I’ve also tried to set this one up from the start with a mind to a better night version (coming soon). Yes, I love adding cats to my scenes.

I hope you enjoy it!!

Posted on July 7, 2023

Happy Friday!!

By popular request I’ve added a “blue moon” version of my updated Oasis.   I’ve removed the foreground lighting so everything is lit in silhouette.  Rendered on Shadowfax.

I’m only going to keep one of the night versions in the gallery so please let me know which you prefer by leaving a rating, comment or both.