Author: Ryan

Posted on June 6, 2010

  • I’ve added “Extrasolar” to the gallery this morning, and it is very much a work-in-progress. I don’t usually post projects that are quite this “unfinished” but I won’t be able to work on it for the next couple of days and it does make a nice wallpaper in this simple form. I do have some ideas on what to add next, but feel free to share you own in the comments thread.

    I went back and forth between Vue d’Esprit and Terragen for this project, but finally stuck with Vue because I just couldn’t get a decent, noise-free, high resolution render out of Terragen. I’m sure it is possible and I will have to explore the settings more thoroughly, but for now I am happy with Vue’s output.

    Stay tuned, more to come.

Posted on June 6, 2010

  • After a lengthy render I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Shanshui” to the gallery this morning. I hope you enjoy them!

    I’m also working on a new project but it has taken a bit longer than normal because I’ve had to start using Terragen for it rather than my old standby Vue d’Esprit. As always I am learning as I go. Stay tuned!

Posted on June 6, 2010

  • I tried a few different approaches with “Shanshui” but none of them seemed to improve the image enough to justify another 4 day render. I’ve decided to keep it as is and go ahead with the multi-screen version. It’s rendering away right now on my alternate box and I am working on some new projects on my main machine.

Posted on June 6, 2010

  • I’ve added my latest render, “Shanshui” for Members this morning. It isn’t entirely perfect and there are a few things that I would like to tweak, but seeing as the render took four days I thought it looked good enough to share.

    Shan Shui” is a Chinese word (translation: “mountain-water”) which describes a style of landscape painting which originated in the 5th century. I’ve always loved these ethereal paintings and this wallpaper is my homage to the genre.

Posted on June 6, 2010

  • My next render is hours away from being finished and I’m hoping it looks good enough to post.

    In the meantime I thought I would share with you all the winners of my recent DB Membership Giveaway. DB Member Walo was kind enough to donate 6 1 year Membership gift certificates (and had the original idea for the giveaway) and I added a Lifetime Membership as a cherry on top.

    There were nearly 200 entries and it was very hard narrowing them down to just 7. The six 1 year winners (with links to their winning posts) are Fiona Williams, Lydia Koh, Damon Seymour, Vincent Sementelli, Anna Bates, and April Hahnfeldt.

    The Lifetime Membership went to Ronald Fisher, a 3rd grade teacher who wrote simply:

    As a 3rd grade teacher I use your art work to help inspire my students during creative writing and during art. They love your pictures. I would love to have greater access to them to use with my students.”

    For a number of reasons I was very moved to read this. I’m not ashamed to say I got a bit misty even.

    Last night DB Member “Firestar” wrote me and said he would donate three 90-day Memberships to be given out as “Honorable Mentions”. They are going to Karin Kramer (lol), Josh Mauthe, and Carla Rothacker.

    A big thanks to Walo and Firestar for donating the gift certificates and welcome new Members. I hope you enjoy my gallery and I look forward to conversing with you about my new artwork!