Author: Ryan

Posted on February 2, 2010

  • AFTERNOON UPDATE:I should never say “final render”. Added one more revision of “Take Two” this afternoon to bring it in line with the multiscreen versions I posted this morning. The new version brings back some of the bow highlights that were toned down in the second render. If you prefer (or want to check out) the previous versions you will find them in the Pickle Jar.
  • MORNING UPDATE:A couple of items to mention this morning. First, I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Take Two” to the gallery. I did make a few changes from the single screen version so have a look even if you only have one monitor.
  • Second, I was checking out Google Analytics last night and noticed that 1280 x 800 was the single most used resolution amongst DB visitors. It only made sense to add it to my Member download options.

    There are over 250 files so if you want to get them all I recommend a visit to my zip files page. I’m going to work on adding 1600 x 900, 1024 x 768 (the second most popular screen res), and more multi-screen options in the near future. If you have a resolution request you can leave it in the thread below. Thanks!!

Posted on February 2, 2010

  • I’ve posted an updated version of “Take Two” this morning. A lot of the feedback on the original focused on the heart tips but I felt it was also important to update the shafts as well. I gave them their own glow which should keep the hearts from sticking out too much.

    This will be the final update for this one, as the holiday is fast approaching and I have another scenery wallpaper in the works that is calling my name. I’m going to put together a multi-screen render of “Take Two” today and then move on.

    I also wanted to mention that I’ve added education and military discounts to my Membership options. They aren’t limited to US citizens so feel free to use them if you are a student, teacher, or serviceman. The coupon codes are here and the prices are hard coded into my PayPal form.

Posted on February 2, 2010

  • I’ve never tried a Valentine’s Day wallpaper before so I thought it would be fun to try one this year. It turned out to be quite a challenge. I wanted something that said “Happy Valentine’s Day from Digital Blasphemy!”.

    Whether or not I succeeded I will leave up to you. The render is called “Take Two” and it is now up on the new images page for Members to download.

    I hope you enjoy it and have a fun Valentine’s Day. Stop back in a few days as I am also working on a new scenery wallpaper which I hope to have up soon!

Posted on February 2, 2010

  • I’ve added “Harbinger (2009)” to my freebies this morning. This was a favorite of mine from last year, even though I wasn’t feeling too good when I created it. It is an update of this wallpaper from 2001.

    “Harbinger” was the first project in which I managed to apply my 2D fractal skills (acquired creating wallpapers like this) to my 3D scenes. This led to some pretty cool results down the road (with more to come).

    I’m working on a couple of new projects for my Members but I’m not sure which one will be finished first. I hope to have something up by early next week. Have a great weekend!!

Posted on January 1, 2010

  • I’ve added a couple of new prints to my Zazzle store. “Corona” and “Haiku (2007)” are now available.

    I’m especially thrilled to finally have a print version of the new “Haiku”. For some reason I never could get this one to render at print resolution using the older versions of Vue d’Esprit, but Vue 8 managed to get the job done. I’m looking forward to getting my own copy as it’s one of my favorites from my gallery.

    Also, I’ve been working with Pim Vermeyden on some themes for Google’s Chrome browser. These are still in the testing phase but I thought my Members might like to check them out. They are zipped .crx files (around 6 MB each). Download the zip, extract the theme, and drag it into your open Chrome window to apply it.

    The first is based on “The Spark” and you can download it here.

    The second is based on “Echoes” and you can download it here.

    We are working on more and I will try to have a central repository for them shortly. Be sure to leave Pim some feedback in the thread below!