Author: Ryan

Posted on March 3, 2010

  • Today (while my renders spun) I reworked my renewal form. The form finally accepts coupon codes so I can now offer discounts on renewals as well as new memberships.

    The standard education/military discounts apply. Also from now until midnight March 8 I am offering all members %20 off the renewal of their choice (tim…e is added to your current Membership term). Use coupon code “thankyou“.

    Thank you guys for supporting my work!!

Posted on March 3, 2010

  • I’ve changed up my sign up page a bit today. For starters, first-time Members can now choose the 2 or 3 year options that I’ve been offering only as renewals. Set it, forget it, and save a few bucks.

    Second, former Members can enter coupon code “iamback” to get a $10 discount on 1 year Memberships and up (I’ve removed the separate form for returning Members).

    Lastly, my coupon codes now work with PayPal as well.

    Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line or comment below if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!!

Posted on March 3, 2010

Posted on February 2, 2010

Posted on February 2, 2010

  • I received an email this morning from a Member telling me that my download menu (the dropdown list) made it impossible for him to download my images. His ISP (Vodafone) was intercepting the requested graphics and recompressing them before displaying. Very similar to what AOL used to do with their “browser” back in the day.

    I’ve received a number of comments about the new dropdown list actually. Most people are of the opinion that it was simpler when every resolution had a link (allowing for right-click downloading). For my part, I like how the dropdown list doesn’t take up a lot of space on the page but I can see that it is a lot easier to right-click and download the sizes you want rather than loading them all in the browser window.

    After reading the email this morning I realized that a compromise had to be made. I’ve brought back the text links on the image preview pages (like this one), and I’ll keep the dropdown list for the thumbnail gallery pages (like this page). I hope this works better for everyone.

    Still working on a multiscreen “Blossom” and my newly adjusted scenery render is chugging away on my alternate box. Stay tuned.