Author: Ryan

Posted on July 7, 2023

Happy Friday!!

By popular request I’ve added a “blue moon” version of my updated Oasis.   I’ve removed the foreground lighting so everything is lit in silhouette.  Rendered on Shadowfax.

I’m only going to keep one of the night versions in the gallery so please let me know which you prefer by leaving a rating, comment or both.   

Posted on July 7, 2023

My first “Oasis” version back in 1999 was a day scene with a blue sky so I wanted to create a similar scene with my 2023 update before moving on to something new.   Oddly enough this version took the longest to render by far on Shadowfax vs the dawn or night versions, probably due to the soft shadows I employed. 

I hope you enjoyed this series. Let me know which version you like the best in the comments!

Posted on July 7, 2023

Before moving on from “Caldera” on Rochallor I thought it would be fun to attempt a night version with lava overflowing the crater. More of an experiment than anything, it took quite a few days to render on Rochallor but I’m still not 100% satisfied with it.  It may end up in the Pickle Jar but I decided to share it in the gallery first.

I do hope you enjoy it but it’s time to move on 🙂

Posted on July 7, 2023

After starting out with a night version of my “Oasis” update I knew I wanted to also do a day version. I was playing around with different atmospheres and found that I really liked this dawn setting. I may yet do one more with a deep blue sky to match the original 1999 version. Created and rendered on Shadowfax.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on July 7, 2023

The goal here was to update my Oasis theme (started in 1999, updated in 2009) using Gaea and new plant models.  I tried to keep the composition as similar as possible to the earlier versions but hopefully it feels new.   I’ll attempt a day version next.

​​​​​​​Created on my Shadowfax workstation while another project rendered on Rochallor.   Hopefully that one finishes soon!