Author: Ryan

Posted on August 8, 2009

Posted on August 8, 2009

Posted on August 8, 2009

  • What would guys think if I added a smallish thumbnail to my status (see right-hand column) displaying either a tiny version of, or a crop from, the current project I am working on? People could then track a project as it evolves from germ of an idea to “finished” wallpaper.

    The biggest snag that I can foresee is people not liking the direction a project is taking and trying to suggest that I follow their vision rather than my own. Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there and see what you guys thought.

    On a related note: over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to make a post of some kind (on Facebook, Twitter, here or the free gallery) every day. These aren’t always directly related to my work.

    I enjoy checking in from time to time and reading the comments that accompany the post. Since I work out of my home I only have Jessie and the kids to keep me company while working. They are great but I like to hear other viewpoints from time to time.

    Interacting through DB, Facebook, etc helps with the isolation that comes with going it solo. If you are only interested in reading my my wallpapers efforts then I hope we can find a way to make the updates less intrusive but still “discoverable”.

Posted on August 8, 2009

  • After receiving the umpteenth email regarding the “Fireflies” Firefox Persona (“is this stolen?”) earlier this week, I decided that it would be a good idea if “MaDonna” just transferred the Persona to my fledgling account. I wrote her(?) and asked if she could do it.

    She wrote me back saying she would just remove the Persona, but this was not a good option. It had become the number 3 theme popularity wise and the link she had added to the description was bringing me some nice traffic to my Free Gallery.

    I was sorry to see the link go but happy I would not be receiving any more emails regarding the manner. Then, somehow, the staff of the Mozilla project stepped in and said they would move the file to my gallery (popularity intact). Sweet! The move was made last evening.

    To celebrate I’ve renamed the Persona back to “Summerwood” and added “Autumnwood“, “Winterwood“, and “Springwood” versions. Big thanks to the folks at Mozilla Labs!

Posted on August 8, 2009

  • I’ve added an updated dual and triple screen renders for “Fluorescence (2009)”. I’ve removed the DOF for these and brightened the background illumination so it should all blend together better. On to new projects now.

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