Posted on April 4, 2009
It took me a little longer than I would have liked (tweaking all those lights), but I finally have the promised night version of “Temple of the Leaf” up in the gallery. I chose to do the single-screen night version before the multi-screen so it would be easier to render the two multi-screens without any extra (or duplicated) setup work. I’m going to get on those straightaway.
Hope you guys like it. I’m on now to new projects.
Posted on March 3, 2009
Posted on March 3, 2009
Posted on March 3, 2009
Posted on March 3, 2009
One of the byproducts of being laid up for weeks is that I’ve had a lot of time to watch TV (something I really didn’t do that much before the surgery). A lot of “Good Eats”, “Modern Marvels”, and old movies on TCM. One of these old movies was “The Searchers” (watched this one on Blu-Ray) and it provided the inspiration for my latest wallpaper.
The wallpaper is called “Desert Dawn” and it is now up for your review. I would have had it up a couple of days ago but I decided at the last minute to change up the atmosphere. I version I settled on is up on the new images page, and the first version is available in the Pickle Jar. Which do you prefer?
Either way, I hope you enjoy them. It looks like Zazzle is offering 50% off all poster prints. If you’ve been waiting to purchase one now might be the right time. Just enter the code “ZAZZLEPOSTER” at checkout to apply the discount.