Posted on May 5, 2008
I was waiting for some test renders to finish this morning when I surfed over to Inga Nielson’s web gallery. If you aren’t familiar with her work, she has some samples in my User Gallery and was recently featured on NASA’s popular Astronomy Picture of the Day site. Anyway, I clicked through to her Zazzle collection and noticed that she had some of her work available as mousepads. This got me thinking that perhaps it was time I offered the same.
I used to offer mousepads through Cafepress, but to be honest I wasn’t that satified with their quality and I haven’t added any new ones in years. Last year I teamed with a company to offer “hi-tech gaming surfaces” but they stopped paying me royalities and I’m in the middle of figuring out how to work that out.
Zazzle has always treated me well and I think they do fabulous printing work. I went ahead and added around 12 of my most popular designs as mousepads this morning. If your favorite isn’t there and you are interested in purchasing a mousepad, please feel free to comment below or on my Zazzle comment wall.
Work on my latest image has been a little slow this week. It’s Ian’s last week of preschool (he starts kindergarten in the fall) so there’s been a lot of activities that I’ve had to attend. Still, I’ve made some progress and I hope to have something posted soon.
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Posted on May 5, 2008
I’ve posted a new animated wallpaper this morning on the Animations page. This is the one I’ve been rendering for the past month or so and have mentioned from time to time. The animation is based on my “Dispersion” wallpaper which I posted last year.
In the animated version I have the colors cycle slowly through the spectrum such that it appears the individual colors are moving from bottle to bottle. It’s a pretty simple animation really, but each frame (out of 720 total) took around 30 minutes to render. I’ve tried to minimize noise as much as possible but some still remains. I could refine the frames for another two weeks but I don’t think the improvement would be worth the time. Anyway, I hope you like it.
A question for you all. For future animated wallpapers would you rather see my stills animated (which will cause the rendering to take a very long time) or would you rather see animations designed from scratch? If I designed animated wallpapers from scratch the rendering won’t take as long, but I don’t think a still frame from the animation would hold up next to the stills that are in my gallery now.
Basically, would you rather see ultra-high quality animations (but only a few) or more simpler animations? Feel free to post in the thread I’ve set up below.
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Posted on May 5, 2008
More mobile wallpapers added today. I’ve added PSP size versions to all the files going back to 2003. Someone mentioned that I hadn’t updated the PSP collection since 2005 and I decided it was time bring them up to date. I will be posting 480 x 272 versions of each new image from here on out and the zip file will be updated with each new post.
I’ve also added 320 x 320 images to the list of mobile options and a 320 x 320 zip file is available.
I’ve replaced the links for each mobile resolution with a dropdown list. Simply select the resolution you want and it should load for you. I would have rather had text links so you could right-click and save, but I also wanted to list some of the devices which used each resolution so people would know which resolution to pick.
The only way to do this without taking up too much space was to use a dropdown list. Hopefully this doesn’t cause too much confusion.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post in the thread below which deals with the new mobile wallpapers.
Now, if no one minds, I’m going to put aside my “mobile conversions” for awhile and get busy on a new project.
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Posted on May 5, 2008
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Posted on May 5, 2008
I’ve added the dual and triple screen versions of “Cloud Terrace (Night)” to the gallery this morning.
I’ve noticed some of the comments about the day version centering around the barrel distortion evident at the edges of this one. Once again, I wish there was something I could do about this. This is just how the Vue renderer handles extreme wide-angle frames. I thought that I had figured out how to get around the problem earlier but it turns out that the distortion is unavoidable no matter what settings I use. Short of not doing triple screen renders, there just isn’t anything I can do about it. Sorry!
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