Author: Ryan

Posted on February 2, 2008

  • Ok, obviously I was too optimistic last time about my progress on my latest project. Just to update you all: The image is complete (and has been for a while now) but it is taking forever to render. I’m thinking there is a bug within Vue d’Esprit which causes very slow rendering when subsurface scattering and radiosity are used. If the image weren’t 2/3 finished I would have canceled the render and tried something else, but I’ve gone this far and now I want to see it through to the end. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!

    No ETAs for you this time. It will be up just as soon as it finishes rendering!

  • In happier news, it’s Jessie’s birthday today. While it may seem that this site is mainly about me (since I’m the one who posts here), Jessie has a huge influence on what goes on at DB. I made a little comment thread below so if anyone wishes to say “Happy Birthday!” they can do so there. Happy Birthday baby! I love you!!

Posted on January 1, 2008

  • One of the things I did while I was out-of-action last month was set my computer to render print sized versions of some of my favorite 2007 images. While I’m waiting for my newest project to finish rendering (hopefully it will be done sometime this weekend) I’ve uploaded the images to my Zazzle gallery. Feel free to check them out if you are looking for something new to hang on your wall. There are five new prints available, specifically: “Song of the Sky” (2007 version), “Indian Summer”, “Spring Creek”, “Biodome Sunset”, and “River Valley”.

    Be sure to check back in a day or two for another update…

Posted on January 1, 2008

  • I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Maya” to the gallery this morning. I’ve also added multi-screen versions of the “blue” render to the Pickle Jar. Enjoy!


  • After reading all the feedback and checking the ratings for the two images, I’ve decided that the orange sun version of Maya will remain in the gallery. The blue version will remain in the Pickle Jar. I hope to have mulit-monitor versions of both completed shortly. Thanks everyone!


  • I’ve added a second version of “Maya” in the Pickle Jar this morning, changing the blue sun for something more recognizable. This was actually how I originally created this image, the blue atmosphere was a last minute change. Some of you appear to like the blue, others seem to feel it makes the image look a little flat.

    If you have a preference between the two, please let me know in the comments and/or ratings. Thanks!


  • For some reason I’ve had arches (or openings) on the mind for a while now. “Circumpolar” was my first effort. Continuing that theme I offer “Maya”, new in the Members Gallery this morning. There will most likely be more later this year. I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on January 1, 2008

  • I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Colorwheel” to the gallery this morning.

    A lot of you have been asking about multi-monitor versions of “The Astronomer”. I wasn’t able to produce a multi-screen version that did not exhibit extreme disortions of the planets on the far right and left side of the frame. Rather put out a substandard image, I chose to skip doing a multi-monitor version. If you feel strongly about seeing one anyway, please leave feeback to that effect.

    I haven’t abandoned dual and triple screen users, I will always try to create multi-screen versions when possible. I just don’t want them to be lower quality than the single screen versions.

Posted on January 1, 2008

  • I’ve spent the past week getting back into “art mode”, trying out some things and starting a number of new projects. I knew I wanted my first wallpaper of 2008 to be an abstract. My abstract gallery was somewhat limited last year and I’d like to do more in 2008 (don’t worry Jessie, I plan on doing plenty of sceneries too!).

    My first wallpaper of the year is called “Colorwheel” and you’ll find it on the new images page. I hope you enjoy it!