Author: Ryan

Posted on June 6, 2007

  • I’ve added dual and triple-screen versions of both “Biodome” and “Biodome Sunset”.

Posted on June 6, 2007

  • Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on “Biodome”. I’m glad that most of you seem to like it!

    Quite of a few of you asked if I would post a night version. I actually had one planned from the start, and modeled the “Dome” with lights accordingly. I had to get the atmosphere the way I liked it though, so it took a couple of days to work out. The “sunset” version is now up on the New Images page.

    I’ve also posted a revision of the original “Biodome” which fixes an issue with one of the tree models.

Posted on June 6, 2007

  • Added “Biodome” to the gallery this evening. Sorry it took so long to post something new, but I hope it was worth the wait!

Posted on June 6, 2007

  • A number of you have asked that I add links to the full-size images on the “Most Recent Comments” page. I’m waiting for a render to complete this afternoon so I took the time to code them in. Thanks for the feedback!

Posted on May 5, 2007

  • Just wanted to update you all on what’s been going on. We’ve had an eventful week in the Bliss household. . .

    Last Wednesday Jason celebrated his first birthday! Hard to believe it’s been a year already, but he’s now toddling about like a little boy. Here’s a couple of pictures from his party: one with me and one with his Mommy (looking rather tuckered out).

    Shortly after that we packed up the kids and drove 600 miles to attend Jessie’s brother’s wedding in Arkansas. We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed being with Jessie’s family. The driving part was a little tough though. 10 hours of driving with small children is not for the faint of heart. We got back late last night and only now is my sanity starting to return.

    Now I’m setting my sights on getting back to work. I’ve been working on a multi-screen version of my “Chamelea” update, but I’ve not been happy with the results. I may have to table it for a brief time and come back to it after I’ve worked on another project.