Posted on March 3, 2007
Posted on February 2, 2007
It would seem the general consensus is that the “planet-only” version of “Crucible” is superior to the “lava version”. Fair enough. I’ve moved the planet version to the main gallery and moved the lava version into the Pickle Jar. I’ve also removed the version with the inferior lava (why keep it around?).
In the process of creating the (forthcoming) multi-monitor version I had to do some reworking of the planet version, so the image you see in the gallery now is slightly different than what you’ve been looking at in the Pickle Jar these past few days. The changes are pretty minor (the “background ash” is a little more detailed now) so I simply replaced the older version with the new. The changes were necessary in order to have the multi-screen version look consistant with the single screen.
Thanks everyone for your feedback!
Posted on February 2, 2007
I’ve posted an updated version of “Crucible“. Quite a few of the comments I received on the image centered on the lava not looking quite right so I went back and made some changes. I hope you like them. Some of you also asked if I could post a version without the foreground. Both the previous version and the planet-only version are available in the Pickle Jar.
I had originally intended this piece to be “planet only” and I had crafted a number of interesting volumetric effects to make it appear that the planet was surrounded by millions of rocks and dense clouds of ash. It would have looked cool, but I couldn’t get the ash clouds to work. They were taking far too long to render properly. So I scrapped that idea and decided to go with the image you see posted.
I plan on doing a multi-screen version in the next few days and then I will move on to something else.
I realized when I added the comment system back in October that people would not always agree and that there might be arguments. I have no problem with this. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and are welcome to express them through the comment system.
I do not expect all of the comments to be positive and if something can be improved I want to hear about it (sometimes I lose perspective when I’ve stared at an image for too long). After all I would not have kept putting my work out for everyone to see all these years if I couldn’t take criticism (believe me, I’ve heard it all by now).
I would really appreciate it, however, if the discussion could be kept civil and the name calling be kept to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, then don’t post it. I am referring to some of the comments made regarding the first version of “Crucible” which you can read here if you are interested.
Posted on February 2, 2007
I’ve been receiving quite a few emails asking if I will be working on animations for use with the new Windows Vista (Ultimate) “Dreamscene“. At this very moment I am installing a Vista on my old workstation for use as a testbed (I’m not ready to install it on my main machine yet) and I will explore the possibilities.
The main issues are: Render times (already my single frame wallpapers take far too long to render so I can’t really imagine rendering 60 or so frames), and development time. I have always tried to balance developing “cutting edge” content (multi-screen wallpapers, etc) with the time it takes to develop wallpapers for the majority of my members (single screen, static images). Basically, I’d rather not spend a lot of time and resources working on something that only a small percentage of my Members can use. As more and more users start using animated wallpapers however I will shift more of my attention to developing them.
My experiments with Vue 6 continue. I’m really trying to master the new atmospheric system. The render times are still kind of crazy but I think the results are worth it.
My latest render, “Cloud Canyon”, is now up on the new images page. I will see if I can post multi-monitor versions sometime next week. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments on “Planitia”. I really enjoy reading your feedback! Some of you asked if I could do a blue version, but I think a blue sky would look too much like our own. My goal with “Planitia” was to do something “out of this world” and that is why I chose green over blue.
Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from opening the file in your favorite photo editor and shifting the hue to your liking.
I’ve posted dual and triple-screen versions of “Planitia”. I’ve also updated the “non-widescreen” versions to fix some composition issues. The versions I posted on 1/17 looked a little cramped on the sides (due to how they were cropped from the widescreen original) and the new renders should look better if you are using a 4:3 screen.
Posted on January 1, 2007