Author: Ryan

Posted on August 8, 2006

  • My new machine arrived yesterday and I’ve been working non-stop to move all of my essential tools over. I’m also finding out the hard way that some of my software and hardware just won’t work with Windows XP 64. I guess I will have to adjust my ways.

    On the upside, the machine is a real screamer. My latest wallpaper, “Serenade”, took over 20 minutes to render on my old machine. The new machine renders it in under 5 minutes. Happy me! The render is up on the new images page for your review.

Posted on August 8, 2006

  • Added dual and triple-screen versions of “Neuronet” (the blue version) to the gallery this morning.
  • I received happy news last night. It looks like my new workstation shipped yesterday and is due to arrive Wednesday. Now if e-onsoftware will just hurry up and release Vue 6 Infinite (64-bit) I will be able to use all 8GB of my RAM…

Posted on August 8, 2006

  • After posting “Neuronet” yesterday, quite a few of you wrote me asking if I could change the colors to blue. Easy enough. I tried it and I think that blue does look better. The blue version is now up on the new images page, while yesterday’s version will remain in the Pickle Jar. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Posted on August 8, 2006

  • I finally started playing around with Lightwave 9 a couple of days ago. It looks pretty solid so far and renders a bit faster than version 8. There’s still quite a bit more to explore, but I did take the time to create a new wallpaper. It’s called “Neuronet” and it’s available on the new images page.