Posted on April 4, 2006
Posted on April 4, 2006
Posted on April 4, 2006
I’ve finally finished and posted the day version of “The Vault”. Seeing as this render too somewhere around 10 days (no foolin!), I don’t think I will be using Vue for radiosity renders any time soon. I can’t figure out why this one took so long. I rendered “Desert Snow” using similar radiosity settings the render took less than a day. Anyway, I think the final product looks nice (I hope you like it too), but I don’t think it was worth the time it took to render. Lesson learned.
I’ve also added “Radiance“, a little fractal abstract I managed to come up with while my main machine was busy.
I’ve had some ideas for springtime images that I’ve been anxious to try out, so I’m going to get busy on new stuff here shortly. I will probably hold off on multi-monitor versions of “The Vault” for at least a week or two.
Posted on March 3, 2006
A little status report. I’ve designed a day version of “The Vault” and back on the 20th I started it rendering. I was going to use “radiosity” for the day time version. Radiosity produces some stunningly realistic lighting, but the render times can be appalling. I didn’t know just how bad the render times would be though (thought it might take 48 hours at most).
It’s been over six days now and the render is only around 20% complete. It has sped up a little since the water part has been rendered, but I think it still has a few days left. I’m kind of to the point now where I’ve put so much rendering time into it that I need to see it finished. As soon as it is done I’ll have it posted and be moving on to other projects.
Just wanted you all to know.
Posted on March 3, 2006