Posted on June 6, 2005
Happy Monday to you all. Some of you may dislike Mondays, but just remember, things could be worse. In that spirit I offer my updated version of “F=MA” (original here). A widescreen is also available. I hope you like it.
I purchased a new monitor last week (a Dell 2405FPW). It’s a wonderful screen and it’s great to finally be able to use the widescreens I’ve been making. It is a little brighter than what I have been using, so you might find that my latest image is too dark for your screen. Please drop me a line and let me know if this is the case (or if you just want to comment on the latest image).
Posted on June 6, 2005
Posted on June 6, 2005
Posted on May 5, 2005
Added a new “microscape” image this afternoon. I call this one “The Spark” and it is now up for your review on the new images page (widescreen also available). Hope you like it.
Some of you have requested that I add multi-monitor night versions of “The Watchtower” and “Endless Blue”. I’ll try to have those up sometime next week.
Posted on May 5, 2005