Author: Ryan

Posted on November 11, 2022

By request I’ve created a night version of “Shady Creek (Winter)“. I removed the falling snow to make the scene bit clearer and “quieter”. I hope you enjoy it!

I may do a spring version sometime in the next few months but for now I’m ready to move on to something new 🙂

Posted on November 11, 2022

Here’s the winter entry in my “Shady Creek” series, based on the forest and creek that runs behind my home. It’s my refuge from the electronic world and where I go when I need to “touch grass”. Winter is certainly not everyone’s favorite time of year but I feel like the sleeping forest has a stark beauty all its own.

Here are the Summer, Night and Autumn versions. I hope you’ve enjoyed them. Perhaps I will try a spring version in a few months…

Posted on November 11, 2022

Here’s a night version of “Lakeside (Shallows)“ for the folks who like darker wallpapers.  I added some light from a possible campfire behind the camera to brighten the foreground a bit.

This will most likely be my last render from the “Lakeside” series. I hope you’ve enjoyed them!

Posted on November 11, 2022

I altered quite a bit of my “Lakeside” scene to create “Lakeside (Shallows)” and I thought it would be interesting to see what the original view looked like with these changes.   Lo and behold I think I might like it better than the original.   

Which do you prefer??  One of the renders will be probably moved to the Pickle Jar.

Posted on November 11, 2022

Decided to explore my “Lakeside” scene a bit more on Shadowfax, turning the camera towards the shoreline to examine the waterlilies and other plants there.  I’ve also tweaked the water shader and the lighting from the original render and may end up rendering a new version entirely…   
Stay tuned!