Posted on January 1, 2005
I’ve once again set aside my new software to create something using familiar tools. For my latest project I have gone back to 1998 and reworked on my favorite old images, “Morning Glory”. The updated render can be found on the new images page. I’ve tried to stay true to the original but also add a few touches which were not possible seven years ago using Bryce. I hope you enjoy it!
A widescreen version is available and I hope to have multi-monitor versions available shortly.
Posted on January 1, 2005
Posted on December 12, 2004
Just wanted to chime in and let you all know what’s going on. After posting “Winterwood” I’ve been spending some time with my family and some old friends that I hadn’t seen in years. I’ve been away for 15 years so there’s a lot of catching up to do. I’ve also been busy trying to learn a new art program, so hopefully I’ll have some interesting things to show you all in 2005.
I’ve got Christmas parties for the next four days so you probably won’t hear from me until next week. I’ll take this chance to wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday and to share with you all the photo we sent out on all of our Christmas cards. How he’s grown since last year…
Posted on December 12, 2004