Posted on November 11, 2004
Posted on November 11, 2004
I’d like to thank you all for being so patient while I go through this transition. Things are about as settled in now as they are ever going to be, so I started work yesterday on a new wallpaper. I can’t give you an ETA, but I thought you would like to know that something is in the works.
In other news, I’ve added about thirty 2560 x 1600 renders. They scattered throughout the widescreen gallery. I want to have the rest done shortly so I can include them on Version 6 of my CDROM, which I hope to have out before the end of the month. I’ve also added 6 new posters to my Zazzle collection, including my first “widescreen” poster. I may add more of those later.
Lastly, thanks to Brent McAleer for pointing out to me that Digital Blasphemy was mentioned on the BBC World show “Click Online”. If you are interested you can check it out, and even watch the show, from here.
Now back to work for me…
Posted on October 10, 2004
Posted on October 10, 2004
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks around here. We hit the road for Illinois Wednesday, so we’ve been scrambling to get everything packed up and ready to move. We’re almost there.
In the midst of all this madness, I was able to sit down and create one last wallpaper before we hit the road. It’s up now on the new images page; an abstract which I call “Orthohedron”. A widescreen is also available. I know some of you were hoping for a Halloween image, but there just wasn’t time to do put one together. Maybe after the move, but if not then definitely next year.
Anyway, this will be my last post from sunny California. Wish us luck on the four day roadtrip with a one year old…