Posted on June 6, 2004
It wasn’t long after I started doing dual-screens that requests started coming in for triple monitor wallpapers. Initially I wasn’t interested, simply because it didn’t seem like there were enough triple screen users out there to justify the time it would take to adapt and re-render the images. Lately, however, the requests have become more frequent and (after a quick search of the web) it has become apparent to me that there are many 3-monitor users out there with nowhere to turn for quality wallpaper.
So I am happy to announce that my first-ever batch of triple-screen wallpapers are now up for your review. There are six to start with and if you like them (let me now what you think) I will add more as time permits.
Posted on June 6, 2004
Posted on June 6, 2004
Posted on June 6, 2004
Added “Vespers” to the gallery this morning. I hope you like it.
Quite a few of you have written asking that I create some bright day scenery (I’ve been “too dark” lately). It’s true that most of my subject matter is dark (“Vespers” being another example). I, personally, feel that a darker image makes a better wallpaper. It provides a better contrast for your windows.
However, I have heard your requests for day scenery and I will try to “lighten up” a little in the future.