Posted on July 7, 2004
I’ve added a revised version of my old Fourth of July image (Happy 4th). I’ve used Lightwave this time and I wanted to see if I could use the particle system to create fireworks (they were 2D in the previous Bryce render). A widescreen version is available and I might have an image or two in the Pickle Jar before too long.
I hope you like it and, regardless of whether or not you are celebrating Independance Day, I hope you have an excellent Fourth of July weekend.
Posted on June 6, 2004
Posted on June 6, 2004
It wasn’t long after I started doing dual-screens that requests started coming in for triple monitor wallpapers. Initially I wasn’t interested, simply because it didn’t seem like there were enough triple screen users out there to justify the time it would take to adapt and re-render the images. Lately, however, the requests have become more frequent and (after a quick search of the web) it has become apparent to me that there are many 3-monitor users out there with nowhere to turn for quality wallpaper.
So I am happy to announce that my first-ever batch of triple-screen wallpapers are now up for your review. There are six to start with and if you like them (let me now what you think) I will add more as time permits.
Posted on June 6, 2004