Posted on July 7, 2004
Posted on July 7, 2004
I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Happy 4th”. As some members have already noticed, some of the triple screen images can be adapted for use as dual-screen images (in the case that a dual-screen is not available). Simply download the split-screen files and use the middle and right or left file.
I hadn’t been able to figure out how to offer dual-screens of some of my images where the focus is centered (like Fluorescence, Mandala, Gazebo, etc) but this seems to be a good solution. In the future I will adapt some of the existing triple screens for dual-screen use and post them in the dual-screen gallery, but for now I invite you to use the triple-screens. Doing so will give you the added benefit of placing the “focus” on the right or left monitor as you choose (I tend to favor the right monitor).
Posted on July 7, 2004
I’ve added a revised version of my old Fourth of July image (Happy 4th). I’ve used Lightwave this time and I wanted to see if I could use the particle system to create fireworks (they were 2D in the previous Bryce render). A widescreen version is available and I might have an image or two in the Pickle Jar before too long.
I hope you like it and, regardless of whether or not you are celebrating Independance Day, I hope you have an excellent Fourth of July weekend.
Posted on June 6, 2004
Posted on June 6, 2004
It wasn’t long after I started doing dual-screens that requests started coming in for triple monitor wallpapers. Initially I wasn’t interested, simply because it didn’t seem like there were enough triple screen users out there to justify the time it would take to adapt and re-render the images. Lately, however, the requests have become more frequent and (after a quick search of the web) it has become apparent to me that there are many 3-monitor users out there with nowhere to turn for quality wallpaper.
So I am happy to announce that my first-ever batch of triple-screen wallpapers are now up for your review. There are six to start with and if you like them (let me now what you think) I will add more as time permits.