Author: Ryan

Posted on March 3, 2004

  • I’d hoped my fever would pass after a few days, but it’s still with me after a week. I made a trip to the doctor yesterday and he thought it might be a lingering sinus infection. He prescribed some antibiotics so I’ll see what happens over the next few days. A grew tired of sitting in bed a long time ago though, and I’ve been working on a new wallpaper for the past few days. I hope to have it (and the rest of “The Comb” dual-screens) up before the end of the week.

Posted on March 3, 2004

  • I’ve added widescreen versions of the four “Comb” color variations. The dual-screens will be up shortly (as soon as they are all rendered).
  • On a personal note, I ha’ve been battling a case of the flu which has kept me in bed all week. I’ve only ventured out to start renders, check emails, and post these Pickle Jar images. I hope you will all be patient with me while I get back on my feet. Thanks!

Posted on March 3, 2004

  • I’ve added four color variations of “The Comb” in the Pickle Jar. I’ll try to have widescreen/dual-screen versions up before too long.

Posted on February 2, 2004

  • I’ve added a widescreen and dual-screen version of “The Comb”. A lot of you have been asking if I was planning on posting different colored versions of “The Comb”. The answer is yes, but they are taking quite a while to render. I hope to have some up in a day or two.

Posted on February 2, 2004

  • I’ve really been in “abstract” mode lately. It’s not that I don’t enjoy doing scenes (such as “First Green”), I do, but the freedom of the abstract is really appealing to me right now. I love letting my mind run free and seeing what strange designs I can come up with. My only constraint is that the image look good on your desktop.

    My latest render, “The Comb”, is now up on the new images page for your review. I hope you enjoy it.