Posted on December 12, 2003
Posted on December 12, 2003
Posted on December 12, 2003
From some of the emails I received last week, I got the impression that you dual-screen users were feeling left out as far as Holiday wallpapers were concerned. Sorry about that. As I’ve said time and again, creating dual-screen wallpapers is a lot more difficult than creating a widescreen (16 x 9) image. Most of my images would easily adapt to a widescreen frame, but very few of them work as dual-screens.
One that does work is my latest image, “The Ride 2003”. I spent the weekend adapting it for use as a dual-screen image, adding some more forest for the left side screen. The render is now up in the dual-screen gallery. I hope you like it. I promise I’ll try to adapt more of my work in 2004!
Posted on December 12, 2003
One of my favorite Christmas renders has always been “The Ride” from 1998. I love the idea, but the execution left something to be desired. For example, the “forest” was made up of bare spikes (that was all Bryce could do) and Santa’s sleigh was a low-res alpha map. I’ve always thought that I could do better, and this year I decided it was time to try.
The new render is now up on the new images page. The image was produced using World Builder (which does really nice forests). I kept the sky from the original Bryce render, because I liked the ice ring, and I tried to keep the general composition the same. There’s also a version without Santa’s sleigh for those of you who prefer it that way.
I still have a few issues that I want to work out, but I think it looks nice enough to share. What do you think?