Author: Ryan

Posted on January 1, 2004

  • After reading some of your feedback regarding “Atrium”, I decided to make a few changes. Unfortunately this image is rather slow to work on because the renders take so long (over 18 hours for the 1600 x 1200 render). Anyway, the updated version is now available on the New Images page, while the first version remains available in the Pickle Jar.

Posted on January 1, 2004

  • Happy New Year everyone! 2003 was a pretty big year for me and I’m really looking forward to seeing what develops in 2004. I hope you all had a good time last evening and are ready to start fresh with a new calendar.

    I mentioned last time that I was working on a new wallpaper. I wanted to have it ready yesterday, but some last minute tweaks held it back to today. The new wallpaper is called “Atrium” and it is up now on the new images page for your review. I hope you like it!

Posted on December 12, 2003

  • I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Ours was nice. We missed being with our parents and extended family this year, but we enjoyed our first Christmas with Ian nonetheless. His favorite present was a beautiful snowglobe from my Mom. My favorites were two books: “The Complete Far Side Collection“, also from my Mom, and The Smithsonian’s “Earth“, which Jessie gave me.

    I took a few days off to relax and hang out with Jessie and Ian, but yesterday I started working on a new wallpaper. I hope to have it ready before Thursday so I can retire the Christmas images and start off the new year fresh. Stay tuned!

Posted on December 12, 2003

  • I’ve made one last, very minor, revision to “Boughs of Holly” and I’ve posted a widescreen version.
  • I took this photo of Ian to use on our family Christmas cards this year. I thought it would be nice to share with you all. Happy Holidays from all of us here at DB!

Posted on December 12, 2003

  • LATE UPDATE:I worked a little more on the “Boughs of Holly” today, focusing on improving the look of the berries. Many of you correctly noted that they looked a little too “perfect”, so I’ve tried to make them look a little more realistic. I saw no need to keep the old version around, so I’ve simply overwrittenthe old files with the new.
  • After working on “The Ride”, I thought it would be nice to do a holiday image with some color. I tinkered around with a few different ideas before I came up with something which, I hope, looks festive and fits the season. The new render, “Boughs of Holly” (as in “Deck the halls with…”), is up for your review on the new images page. I may fool around with it a little more over the weekend, but this will be my last new project until after Christmas. I hope you like it!
  • Any of you thinking of purchasing my CD or a Calendar as a Christmas present might be interested to know that Cafepress is offering 2 day shipping for the price of standard shipping. Unfortunately, the deal only last through the end of today.