Author: Ryan

Posted on September 9, 2003

  • I’ve added a dual-monitor version of “Binary“. Someone wrote me today asking why most of the dual monitor images all have the “main subject” on one side and then not much on the other. The answer is that all of the dual-monitor screens have been adapted from single screen images. In most cases, the content of the image will not cleanly seperate over two screens so I’ve chosen to keep the main focus on one screen and simply extend the field of view to cover a second screen. The dual-monitor version of “Binary” is an exception to this.

Posted on September 9, 2003

  • I’ve added four new posters to my Zazzle collection. “Latticework“, “Mandala“, “Binary“, and “Valley” are all now available. I’ve been working on rendering others (including “Gazebo 2003” and “Conjunction 2003”) but have been having trouble getting the renders to complete on my networked workstations. I’d rather not take my main workstation out of comission for a whole week just to render a poster, but it might come down to that.

Posted on August 8, 2003

  • I’ve posted a minor update to “Binary” in which I’ve tweaked the texture on the red giant a little, hopefully making it look a little more 3D. As I haven’t made any major changes to the content of the image, I’ve decided not to place the original render in the Pickle Jar.

Posted on August 8, 2003

  • After I posted “Grotto“, someone wrote me and mentioned that the image had a definite “birth” theme. I agree. My work often interprets of the goings on in my personal life, but it only becomes obvious when I’ve shared the events with all of you (as with the recent birth of my son, Ian).

    With that in mind, I will leave it to you to decipher the basis for my latest addition the gallery, “Binary“. Whether or not you search for deeper meaning, I hope you enjoy it on your desktop. I’ve also posted a widescreen version.

  • How about a couple of new baby pictures? Here’s a cute close-up of his little face, and here’s one of him sleeping on his daddy’s shoulder.

Posted on August 8, 2003

  • As mentioned earlier, I had been working on a new project when the baby came. I finally found the time yesterday to put the finishing touches on it and I think it’s ready to share this morning. It’s called “Grotto” and it’s up on the new images page now. I was a little bit distracted during its construction, but I hope you like it all the same.
  • For those of you who have been asking, here are a couple of new baby pictures: Ian with his mommy, and getting his hair washed for the first time at home. I’ll try not to overload my site with baby pictures, though I am definitely stricken with “Proud Papa Syndrome”.
  • Late Update — I’ve added a new version of “Grotto“, this time without the kayaker. I wanted something to be there, so I replaced him with some marine mammals. The original version, along with a version with only empty water, is in the Pickle Jar.